”Youth today experience a lot of emotional stress in their lives, whether it is conflict with their parents, first love, or the search for a trainee position. The s’cooltour contest gives them the opportunity to have a hand in shaping their personal future”, said Anke Döpke, Press spokeswoman at UBA. ”Young people need not surrender to climate change, they can take things into their own hands”, continued Döpke. Schoolchildren must submit their projects by the end of the year. First prize is a concert by the band Juli at their school’s next event. Four additional runners-up will win a tour of Alpine glaciers.
Today’s youth will definitely feel the consequences of global warming, which may not be the case for many adults. In a sense climate change is about the future of the young generation, which is why UBA believes it is vital to raise awareness of environmental protection among school-age children. It is the only way by which they can develop their own solutions to environmental problems.
The klima on… s´cooltour 2008/09 contest links school projects with practical experience, for industry and tradespeople will be acting as counsellors along with municipalities, public offices, consumer and environmental associations.
Other incentives to take action to save energy is provided by UBA’s ”No-Energy” campaign. A so-called energy cost monitor, which is a measurement instrument, is used by pupils on their hunt to track down energy guzzlers in the home and at school. The small device, plugged into the mains and an electronic/electrical appliance, shows how much power it consumes and the money it costs. Schools can receive this energy cost monitor free of charge along with an ”energy saving kit”. Every class will also receive the UBA brochure on how to save energy in the home along with instructional materials.