climate protection

News on Transport

Freight transport: climate-neutral, electrified, reimagined

The various proposed measures for environmentally friendly freight transport described in the brochure have been summarized in a vision picture.

Without freight transport shop shelves would be empty, and the economy would grind to a halt. But transporting goods and waste generates noise, air pollutants and greenhouse gases. To counter this the UBA in its vision for 2045 recommends to shift transports to trains and inland shipping while electrifying lorries and ships and avoiding goods transport altogether whenever possible. read more

News on The UBA

Ukrainian UBA guest scientist earns a fellowship and an honour

Dr. Olena Matukhno mit der Urkunde für die „Green heart leader“-Ehrenauszeichnung

Ukrainian guest scientist Dr Olena Matukhno has received the Georg Forster Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers and the Green Heart Leader honorary award. She has worked at the German Environment Agency (UBA) since June 2022. The research is centred around achieving the climate goals in the Ukrainian iron and steel industry through decarbonisation and carbon offsetting measures. read more

News on Climate | Energy

Study on nature-based solutions for global climate protection


In a study for the German Environment Agency, a research team from Öko-Institut and Ecologic Institute has examined the role of nature-based solutions (NbS) for global climate action and international climate policy. The results show that their potential to mitigate emissions is probably overestimated in the literature. Nevertheless, NbS can bring various benefits and should be promoted actively. read more

Climate | Energy

RESCUE: Main results

RESCUE shows that until 2050 greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced by 95 to 97 percent (in comparison to 1990). Through the use of sustainable agriculture and forestry practices, even net-zero emissions can be reached. At the same time, primary raw materials consumption can be reduced by 56 to 70 percent. However, the transformation also results in additional demands for single raw materials. read more


Indicator: Greenhouse gas emissions

A graph shows the trend in greenhouse gas emissions in Germany, which fell from 1,251 million tonnes of CO2 equivalents in 1990 to 674 million tonnes in 2023. The bars are divided into different sectors. The graph shows all target values up to 2045.

According to initial calculations, greenhouse gas emissions in Germany declined by exactly 46.1 % between 1990 and 2023.Germany aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40 % by 2020 and by at least 65 % by 2030 compared to 1990 emission levels. Complete greenhouse gas neutrality is to be achieved by 2045.In 2023, Germany was well below the target of minus 40 % set for 2020. The targets for 2030... read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment