From 2015 to 2017, the Advisory Assistance Programme funded a project of Housing Initiative for Eastern Europe (IWO), which provided advice to the Lithuanian Ministry of Environment on development and implementation of approaches for energy-efficient redevelopment of urban areas. The documentation is now online. A brochure and a leaflet facilitate the transfer of knowledge also beyond Lithuania. read more
Paths to energy-efficient urban development: resources now online
EU Stakeholders discuss requirements for water reuse
The use of treated wastewater, e.g. for agricultural irrigation, can alleviate pressures on water resources. At the same time it poses risks as treated wastewater can contain pathogens and chemicals. By May 2018 the European Commission wants to publish a regulatory proposal for requirements. UBA President Krautzberger and EU Parliamentarian Wölken invited for a discussion on 22 March in Brussels. read more
New EU Innovation Fund: how can it support climate protection?
A research report commissioned by the UBA has analysed a range of options for designing the EU Innovation Fund (IF), a financing instrument created under the EU Emissions Trading System to support demonstration projects for low-carbon innovation in the power sector and industry. From 2019 onwards, this fund will use revenues from auctioning emissions trading allowances for this purpose. read more
Air quality 2017: Mitigation of nitrogen dioxide pollution still missing the mark
Air quality in Germany has improved over the last year. Nevertheless, about 46 percent of the measuring stations located near traffic areas registered an exceedence of the annual average limit value. read more
Climate action: Transport sector must do an immediate about-face
If Germany wants to live up to the requirements of the Paris Climate Agreement, its transport sector must quickly and drastically cut its greenhouse gas emissions. A recently published paper commissioned by the German Environment Agency confirms this conclusion and proposes concrete measures by which emissions can be reduced significantly and ensure that the climate action goals are achieved. read more
Data on the state of the environment in Germany: a mixed picture
The German Environment Agency recently published its Data on the Environment 2017 report. Action is needed with regard to climate protection policy, improvement of resource efficiency and nutrient pollution, good news for recycling rates and drinking water quality. read more
Market shares for green products growing – yet CO2 emissions in consumer sector remain unchanged
Environmental labels can provide transparency and orientation read more
Household appliance repair costs should be made tax-deductible
Our 7-point strategy against obsolescence recommends, that Household appliance repair costs should be made tax-deductible read more