The EU-funded project PASTA - Physical Activity Through Sustainable Transport Approaches - aims to connect transport and health by promoting active mobility in cities (i.e. walking and cycling, in combination with public transport use) as an innovative way of integrating physical activity into our everyday lives. The project will hold its final workshop at the ICC by bringing together a multi-disciplinary consortium of leading experts in policy, research and practice from across Europe.
THE PEP, run jointly by UNECE and the WHO Regional Office for Europe, addresses basic questions of how best to move around in cities. The Transport, Health and Environment Pan-European Programme – makes the link between
transport, health and the environment. At the ICC, THE PEP will hold a workshop on ministerial level (“Relay Race”).
City of Mannheim
Mannheim, the birthplace of the bicycle, celebrates the anniversary of the bicycle with the motto "Monnem Bike" and an engaging year-round festival programme.
The European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) is pledged to ensure that bicycle use achieves its fullest potential so as to bring about sustainable mobility and public well-being. To achieve these aims, ECF seeks to change attitudes, policies and budget allocations at the European level.
The German Institute of Urban Affairs (Difu) is the largest urban research institute in the German-speaking territories and is the research, further training and information institution for cities, municipalities, administrative districts, municipal associations and planning departments.
GIZ is an experienced service provider and assists the German Government in achieving its objectives in the field of international cooperation. GIZ offers demand-driven, tailor-made effective services for sustainable development.
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