Increasing numbers of customers are paying attention to products’ environmental compatibility. How can and should businesses draw attention to the environmental benefits of their products? When can a product be described as "water-saving” or “recyclable”, for instance? read more
Promoting green products and services: how it works
National alliance champions more use of the bio-bin
May 11 2020 marks the launch of this year's "Biowaste Bin Campaign” (Aktion Biotonne Deutschland). The initiative supports municipalities in providing waste disposal advice at local level. Private households in Germany are to improve the separate collection of biowaste for energy recovery or use as fertiliser. read more
Speed limits on motorways clearly cut down CO2 emissions
A general speed limit on German federal motorways would allow reductions of greenhouse gas emissions ranging between 1.9 and 5.4 million tonnes annually, depending on the actual limit imposed. These are the results of new calculations by the German Environment Agency (UBA). read more
Air quality 2019: Trend in NO2 decline continues
Measured concentrations of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in 2019 exceeded the annual mean limit of 40 µg/m³ of air at nearly 20 percent of measuring stations located near road traffic, compared to 42 percent in 2018. Nitrogen dioxide pollution overall continues to decline throughout Germany. read more
Online citizen dialogue "GesprächStoff Ressourcen" sparks talk about resource efficiency
From 12 June to 16 July interested citizens can submit their ideas and suggestions for the German federal government's resource conservation policy. Their proposals will be taken into account in the update of the German Resource Efficiency Programme ("ProgRess") . read more
How does emissions trading work?
Why is there a trade in or with emissions? Who specifies the framework conditions and how does emissions trading actually work? An explanatory film gives short and concise answers to these questions and explains the contribution of emissions trading to climate protection. read more
International Mountain Day 2018: Sustainable Alps
December 11th is the designated International Mountain Day. The day was designated by the UN to show the important role of mountain regions for sustainable development. In line with this, UBA has published a background paper describing the Alpine region on its way to becoming a model region for green economy. read more
Minister Schulze presents plan for glyphosate phase-out
The Federal Ministry for Environment has presented a plan for the gradual phase-out of the use of the broadband herbicide glyphosate. The Use of Pesticides Ordinance will be amended for this purpose. The German Environment Agency as competent body for the authorisation procedure seeks to make the authorisation of products which harm biodiversity contingent upon certain conditions of their use. read more