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News on Economy | Consumption and Sustainability | Strategies | International matters

SustainFashion - Sustainability information all about textiles

in einem Geschäft hängen viele weiße T-Shirts auf Bügeln an einer Stange

Information on sustainability in the textile and fashion industry - this is what the new online platform by HEJSupport offers, funded by the UBA as part of an Associations project. Different aspects of the sector are highlighted, such as environmental pollution or human rights, and allows people to speak who share their visions for more sustainability. read more

Press release on Air and Health

Coronavirus protection in schools: Airing rooms for five minutes, every 20 minutes

a virus in a close-up foto

The German Environment Agency (UBA) has drafted some helpful guidance for the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in Germany (KMK) on proper airing practices in schools. The handbook reflects the UBA experts' recommendations on indoor air hygiene and how proper ventilation in schools can reduce the risk of infection with the novel coronavirus. read more

News on Economy | Consumption, Waste | Resources and Sustainability | Strategies | International matters

Database presents German initiatives on UN sustainability goal 12

Home page of the SDG 12 database

In 2015, the United Nations adopted 17 goals for worldwide socially, ecologically and economically sustainable development (Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs). The SDG 12 database shows which developments have taken place in Germany since then with regard to Goal 12 "Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns". It currently comprises more than 120 activities. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment