A new study for the German Environment Agency (UBA) foresees enormous tasks for the water supply along the Spree River if significantly less groundwater is pumped into the river with the end of brown coal mining in the Lausitz region. According to the study, in dry summer months this can lead to up to 75 per cent less water in the Spree locally. read more
Spree faces increased water shortage after coal phase-out in Lausitz region
Traffic noise can increase risk of depression and anxiety disorders
It has been known for a long time that constant noise can lead to cardiovascular diseases. A new study done on behalf of the German Environment Agency shows that incessant traffic noise can also increase the risk of depression. A 10-decibel increase in road, railroad and aircraft noise can raise that risk by up to four, five and eleven percent. read more
Germany complied with air quality limit values nearly everywhere in 2022
Germany recorded no exceedances of particulate matter threshold values in 2022 for the fifth consecutive year. Current data shows that the annual mean limit for nitrogen dioxide (NO₂) of 40 µg/m³ was exceeded at only two roadside measuring stations in Munich and Essen. These are the results of a preliminary evaluation of data collected by the federal states and the German Environment Agency. read more
Consumer protection: German Environment Agency participates in European screening for manipulative online shop practices
The European consumer protection network, with the first-ever participation of the German Environment Agency, revealed manipulative practices on 148 out of 399 online shops it screened. read more
Companies soon to assume costs for disposal of single-use plastic products
Whether coffee-to-go cups or cigarette butts, too much single-use plastic is landing on our streets and in parks. Cities and municipalities in particular incur costs of up to 434 million euros per year for collection and cleaning, says a study by the German Environment Agency (UBA). New EU regulation states that the manufacturers of single-use products will have to bear these costs. read more
Aktion Biotonne Deutschland (German organic waste campaign) launches a “28-day organic waste bin challenge” for citizens.
A coalition of policymakers, business and associations is running “Action weeks for organic waste bins in Germany” to advocate for improvements in the collection of organic waste. For four weeks from 7 November 2022, the spotlight will be on local authorities in Germany as they run campaigns on the ground to promote the separate collection of organic waste. read more
E-Waste Day: a plea for proper disposal of electrical and electronic equipment
Too much waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) is still being disposed of improperly in Germany. A German Environment Agency (UBA) analysis found that some 86,000 tonnes per year land in the general waste bin instead of being recycled as prescribed. Germany’s recycling rate unfortunately still falls short of meeting the EU minimum recovery rate requirement of 65 percent. read more
Sustainability at the supermarket: retailers not tapping their full potential
The food retailing sector is taking action to promote environmental protection. Examples include store organic brands, a larger selection of vegan products or energy efficiency increases in their food outlets and business offices. On the whole, the companies studied could make much greater use of their influence and scope for action, says a recent study by the German Environment Agency (UBA). read more