
How can private individuals help protect the environment? How can they save energy and thus protect the climate and save money too? How can consumers safeguard their health by avoiding products containing toxic substances? We offer useful information and advice on these and myriad other questions of this type, via amenities such as our online consumer advice service Umwelttipps für den Alltag and free brochures.

Press release on Climate | Energy

Majority of German cities and municipalities are faced with the challenges of the climate crisis

Deutsche Kleinstadt mit aufgehender Sonne

Am 1. Juli 2024 ist das Klimaanpassungsgesetz (KAnG) in Kraft getreten. Für die Bundesländer bildet es den Rechtsrahmen, eigene Klimaanpassungsstrategien vorzulegen, und dafür Sorge zu tragen, dass die Kommunen Klimaanpassungskonzepte aufstellen. Eine erste bundesweite, repräsentative Umfrage im Auftrag des UBA zeigt nun, dass eine Mehrheit der befragten Kommunen bei dem Thema aktiv ist. read more

News on Waste | Resources

Climate protection through Circular Economy in Germany and the EU

Mixed waste on a conveyer belt in a waste treatment plant

For the EU27 and Germany, the climate protection potential of the circular economy was examined for municipal waste, industrial & commercial, construction & demolition and food waste for 2017 and 2030 using the life cycle assessment method. The study shows the sector's GHG mitigation potential, including food waste prevention, in the context of the EU legal framework and the energy transition. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment