Webinar “Soil Governance: Southeast Asia in Focus”

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Webinar “Soil Governance: Southeast Asia in Focus”
Source: Asian Research Institute for Environmental Law

The webinar has been prepared and conducted by the Asian Research Institute for Environmental Law in cooperation with the German Environment Agency (UBA) and IUCN. 100 persons attended the webinar. It was intended to raise awareness on the importance of sustainable soil management and its governance in the region.

The webinar has been prepared and conducted by the Asian Research Institute for Environmental Law. UBA and IUCN assisted in the design of the webinar and acted as moderator and speakers.

It was the objective of the webinar, to promote the topics sustainable soil management and its governance in the region of Southeast Asia.

For the report of the webinar click here. For the presentations click here.

The webinar was recorded and made publicly accessible on you-tube. For the movie click here.

About 100 persons participated in the webinar. A poll at the end of the webinar highlighted that for about 70 % of the participants the topic was new or they have been only little contact on the topic. More than 80 % of the participants would be interested to attend further webinars and events.

Further webinars on specific topics such as „soils and climate change“ are under preparation.

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