Climate induced changes in temperature and precipitation directly impact the water balance and can lead to major consequences for human well-being, ecosystems and the economy. To assess the effects of climate change on the water sector in Germany, there is an extensive summary within the ‘report on climate change ‘ issued by the German Federal States' Working Group on Water in the year 2020 (LAWA; report in German).
Knowledge on the effects of climate change on the processes governing the water balance is constantly improving through scientific research. However, water resources planning must include uncertainties arising from climate model projections. To make sure that measures are suitable even in the future considering effects of climate change, they should be:
- flexible and adaptable so that they can be adjusted afterwards
- robust and efficient so that they function under a broad spectrum of climate effects and are ecologically, economically and socially worthwhile (measures of ‘no-regret’)
- synergistic so that they apply for multiple objectives
Following those recommendations, a screening tool has been developed aiming to support the selection and rating of water resources measures in the context of climate change. Screening Tool (in German).