- 425 content found -
- Project no.
FKZ 380 01 238Radiation Protection - Estonia - to - Project no.
FKZ 380 01 255Climate and Energy - Hungary - toGeothermal power and heat generation in Hungary - updating a benchmark study & workshop
- Project no.
FKZ 380 01 207Waste Management and Circular Economy - Armenia - toRecycling of household waste in Armenia
- Project no.
FKZ 380 01 204Public Participation - Republic of Moldova - toAdvice on the implementation of the Aarhus Convention in the Republic of Moldova
- Project no.
FKZ 380 01 256Water Management and Conservation - Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Romania - toConference on "Wetlands for Clear Water" - Use of wetlands for reducing nutrient input into the Baltic Sea
- Project no.
FKZ 380 01 262Waste Management and Circular Economy - Russia - toWorkshop on experience gained from advisory assistance projects on waste management in Russia