In 2003, the countries of the Carpathian Mountains (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Roma-nia, Serbia, Slovakia, and Ukraine) signed the Framework Convention on the Protection and Sustainable Development of the Carpathians, which has been ratified in the meantime. The Convention aims at conserving fragile mountain regions in the Carpathians and at promoting sustainable development in the Carpathian region. In 2010, a Protocol on Sustainable Tourism was adopted accordingly which provides a legally binding frame. For its implementation, it requests the development and adoption of a strategy that focuses on sustainable tourism development. Referring to that need, this project elaborated the requested strategy for the Carpathians in coordination with all relevant stakeholders.
TopicNature Conservation and Biodiversity
CountryPoland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Hungary
Project number26687
Implementing organization
Ö.T.E., Ökologischer Tourismus in Europa e.V., Koblenzer Str. 65, 53 173 Bonn
Germany Duration to