Seminar and study visit: Energy recovery from municipal solid waste – Germany as a role model for Turkey?

TopicWaste Management and Circular Economy
Project number82410
Implementing organization
Agentur Choudhury
10827 Berlin
Duration to

Turkey has largely adopted the European waste legislation framework and now faces the challenge of implementing national waste legislation, creating the necessary framework conditions and bringing the technical level of its waste infrastructure in line with current standards. The project offered an experience exchange for Turkish and German experts in Ankara and a study trip to the appropriate plants in Germany. (see: Project information energy recovery)

Another study visit to Germany took place in the context of a Turkish research project on the treatment of waste water from health facilities. The Turkish experts deepened questions concerning the advantages and disadvantages of the separate collection and treatment of this wastewater compared to the collection and treatment in municipal wastewater treatment plants as well as the existing technical regulations, standards and solutions in Germany. (see: Project information wastewater treatment)