Soil of the Year

Red grapes on a vineyard.Click to enlarge
Grapes on sun-drenched vineyard. The vineyards's soil characterizes their taste.
Source: S. Marahrens / Umweltbundesamt

Germany is blessed with many different types of soil. In the interest of shedding greater light on the world beneath our feet, each December 5th, on World Soil Day, the Soil of the Year is presented. A panel of experts selects the soil in question. In announcing the Soil of the Year, the panel indicatesamong other things its characteristics, origin and significance for today’s society.

2024 Soil of the Year: Forest Soil


2023 Soil of the Year: Arable Soil


2022 Soil of the Year: Pelosol

For more information go to Website Soil of the Year.

2021 Soil of the Year: Loess Soil

For more information go to Website Soil of the Year.

Poster and Flyer

2020 Soil of the Year: Intertidal Flat Soil (Wattboden)

For more information go to Website Soil of the Year.

2019 Soil of the Year: Mine Dump Soil (Dump Regosol)

For more information go to Website Soil of the Year.

2018 Soil of the Year:  Alpine Folic Histosol

For more information go to Website Soil of the Year.

2017 Soil of the Year: Hortisol

For more information go to Website Soil of the Year.

2016 Soil of the Year: Gleysol

For more information go to Website Soil of the Year.

2015 Soil of the Year: Pseudogley

For more information go to Website Soil of the Year.

2014 Soil of the Year: Rigosols

For more information go to Website Soil of the Year.

2013 Soil of the Year: Plaggic Anthrosols

For more information go to Website Soil of the Year.

2012 Soil of the Year: Histosols

For more information go to Website Soil of the Year.

2011 Soil of the Year: Fluvisols

For more information go to Website Soil of the Year.

2010 Soil of the Year: Technosols/ Urban Soils

For more information go to Website Soil of the Year.

2009 Soil of the Year: Gleyic Fluvisols (calcaric)

For more information go to Website Soil of the Year.

2008 Soil of the Year: Cambisol/ Arenosol

For more information go to Website Soil of the Year.

2007 Soil of the Year: Podzol  

For more information go to Website Soil of the Year.

2006 Soil of the Year: Albic Luvisol 

For more information go to Website Soil of the Year.

2005 Soil of the Year: Chernozem 

For more information go to Website Soil of the Year.

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