UMID: Environment and Human Health – Information Service

Hände verschiedener Hautfarbe halten sich fest und bilden einen Kreis.Click to enlarge
The mercury compounds used often exceed the limit values by a factor of a thousand.
Source: Jadon Bester /

The magazine "UMID: Environment and Human Health - Information Service" (German: "UMID: Umwelt und Mensch – Informationsdienst") is published annually in 2 issues. It provides information on current topics in the fields of environment and health, environmental medicine and consumer protection. Each article contains an English abstract. All issues are available in the archive.

Table of Contents


Current issue November 2023


  • Ban on cosmetics containing mercury – international challenges using the example of skin lightening creams


  • Potential of wastewater monitoring beyond SARS-CoV-2 wastewater surveillance
  • Allergies – An important topic for risk assessment and research at BfR
  • German Environmental Study (GerES): What conclusions can be drawn regarding the connections between environmental influences and health parameters?
  • Climate change and health: A new questionnaire on weather and climate as part of the German Environmental Health Study (GerES VI)
  • The status report on climate change and health as a calatyst for an exchange with the public health service and other decision-makers

Special issues and current topics

Special issues

The magazine sporadically publishes special issues. The following issues are published in German with English abstracts:

  • Bürgerbeteiligung im Umwelt- und Gesundheitsschutz - Civic participation in the protection of environment and health: UMID 02/2013
  • UV-Strahlung - UV radiation: UMID 02/2012
  • Umweltgerechtigkeit I - Environmental justice I: UMID 02/2008

Some special issues are published in English:

Current topics

In some issues the magazine focuses on current topics in the fields of environment and health. These issues are published in German with English abstracts. Previously released:


About the magazine

The magazine "UMID: Umwelt und Mensch - Informationsdienst" is edited by the German authorities Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS), Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR)Robert Koch-Institute (RKI) and the Federal Environment Agency (UBA). The magazine is part of the German Aktionsprogramm Umwelt und Gesundheit (APUG).

UMID is published annually in 2 issues. It provides information on current topics in the fields of environment and health, environmental medicine and consumer protection.

The online version of UMID can be ordered for free.


Editorial information

UMID: Umwelt und Mensch - Informationsdienst

ISSN 1862-4189 (Internet)

Published by

Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz (BfS) 
Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung (BfR)
Robert Koch-Institut (RKI)
Umweltbundesamt (UBA)

Editorial board

Dr. rer. nat. Suzan Fiack 
Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung, Max-Dohrn-Str. 8-10, 10589 Berlin
E-Mail: pressestelle[at] 

Matthias Klaes
Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz
Ingolstädter Landstraße 1
85764 Oberschleißheim-Neuherberg
E-Mail: mklaes[at]

Dr. Hildegard Niemann
Robert Koch-Institut, General-Pape-Straße 62-66, 12101 Berlin 

Kerstin Gebuhr
Umweltbundesamt, Corrensplatz 1, 14195 Berlin 
E-Mail: kerstin.gebuhr[at] 


Denise Köhler
Umweltbundesamt, Corrensplatz 1, 14195 Berlin 
E-Mail: denise.koehler[at]


The archive supplies all magazines of UMID: Umwelt und Mensch – Informationsdienst issued since its foundation in 1992. Each article contains an English abstract. All issues are available in the archive.

  • November 2024

    MAIN TOPIC: Ban on cosmetics containing mercury – international challenges using the example of skin lightening creams +++ FURTHER ARTICLES: Potential of wasterwater monitoring beyond SARS-CoV-2 wastewater surveillance | Allergies – An important topic for risk assessment and research at BfR | German Environmental Study (GerES): What conclusions can be drawn regarding the connections between environmental influences and health parameters? | Climate change and health: A new questionnaire on weather and climate as part of the German Environmental Health Study (GerES VI) | The status report on climate change and health as an catalyst for an exchange with the public health service and other decision-makers +++

    UMID 02/2024

  • April 2024

    MAIN TOPIC: Hazardous substances released from corroding munitions in the seas – Danger for humans and marine ecosystems? +++ FURTHER ARTICLES: Formaldehyde emissions from wood-based panels and furniture – current developments in Germany and the EU | Plant protection products – Gone with the wind | European Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals (PARC) – Germany's contribution at a glance | Health-related exposure to particulate matter (PM2,5) in Germany 2010-2021 | We need to talk! – Can a Chatbot help during a radiological emergency? +++

    UMID 01/2024

  • November 2023

    MAIN TOPIC: Drinking water – a safe common good as well with regard to radioactive substances +++ FURTHER ARTICLES: Treatment of swimming and bathing pool water – The new version of DIN 19643 | Cities as focal points for health-related environmental protection | Concepts for synergetic noise protection +++

  • April 2023

    MAIN TOPIC: Diclofenac: small effect for humans – big damage for the environment +++ FURTHER ARTICLES: Occurence and sources of PFAS in the environment and current regulatory approaches | Phthalates and the substitute DINCH – Main findings from HBM4EU | Communication materials in the Europe-wide project HBM4EU | Radon – an underestimated risk? Result of a population survey | How climate change effects UV radiation exposure and what the consequences will be | Management of patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis: Diagnostic consideration of sensitization to non-frequent pollen allergens +++

    UMID 01/2023

  • November 2022

    MAIN TOPIC: Radiation: Effect an perception: Effects of anthropogenic electromagnetic fields on flora, fauna, and environment | What does Germany think about radiation? Results of an empiric study | Lung cancer screening with low-dose computed tomography +++ FURTHER ARTICLES: Management of short-term pollutions in river bathing waters – Findings of the BMBF research Project FLUSSHYGIENE | European Human Biomonitoring Initiative (HBM4EU) successfully completed | The dashboard "Health in Germany up-to-date" – An example of outcome communication at the Robert Koch Institute +++

    UMID 02/2022

  • March 2022

    Not relevant? Degradation products of pesticides and their risk to groundwater +++ The UFI – Faster and more reliable product identification in medical emergency advice | Ticks and their pathogens in climate change (ZePaK) | Laser pointer & Co – Dazzle attacks and eye injuries | Planetary Health – a Concept for Environmental Health Protection in the Anthopocene +++

    UMID 01/2022

  • November 2021

    Advanced Materials – a new challenge for environmental and health protection? +++ FURTHER ARTICLES: Development of mineral oil free coldest inks to protect the recovered paper cycle – latest research results | Characterization of emissions from charcoal grills and their influence on ambient air quality | Particulate matter Pollution at New Year 2020 and 2021: Comparing two pollen traps in Berlin | Working aid for the development and implementation of municipal heat-health action plans published | Childhood obesity prevention: Which data on a small scale are available on prevalence and determinants in Germany? | Radiation damage and age – why are children specifically sensitive for radiation exposure | Protecting mental health – supporting emergency responders in radiological emergencies +++

    UMID 02/2021

  • April 2021

    MAIN TOPIC I: Climate change, heat and health: The effectiveness of heat, health action plans in Europe | Recommendations for the preparation of heat-health action plans in Germany: awareness and reception in federal states, districts and municipalties | Climate change, heat and health: Status of heat prevention in Germany and need for support of federal states and municipalties +++
    MAIN TOPIC II: COVID-19: Disease severity of the first COVID-19 wave in Germany using reporting data from the national notification system | Air quality during the German lockdown in springtime 2020 | Monitoring of SARS-CoV-2 pandemic viruses via wastewater analyses | Radiation protection aspects when using UV-C radiation for disinfection purposes | The BfR-Corona-Monitor: Risk perception in times of COVID-19 +++ OTHER TOPICS: The assessment classes and threshold values of the air quality index of the German Environment Agency - an environmental health approach | Infrasound from wind turbines | New research results on the sustainable use of natural resources in the health sector | What is the status of women's health? The new Women's Health Report of the RKI has been published +++

    UMID 01/2021

  • November 2020

    No textiles without chemicals +++ FURTHER ARTICLES: UV filter substances in cosmetics – Evaluation of their endocrine properties and resulting environmental hazards | 5G – the new generation of mobile technologies and its effects on humans | Perspectives for a nationwide pollen monitoring in Germany – Position paper of the German interdisciplinary working group "National Pollen Monitoring" | Health care situation in environmental medicine in Germany | EU-COST networks to support transnational research – the example of the European Burden of Disease network | What is the One Health approach, and how to implement it? +++

    UMID 02/2020

  • March 2020

    Health Indicators of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their Implementation for Germany – Considering Environmental Aspects +++ WORKSHOP DGEpi: Report on the workshop “Inequalities in Environmental Health and Health Promotion” and Launch of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health Inequalities | Aims and first activities of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health Inequalities | Environmental justice in the field of climate change, heat and health +++ OTHER TOPICS: LED & Co - Artificial light sources in everyday life and their effects on people | Indoor Nitrogen dioxide: Current state of knowledge | Air quality to go: UBA’s "air quality" app | Risks and Benefits of E-Cigarettes | Estimating the number of heat-related deaths and considering excess mortality; Berlin and Hesse, summer 2018 | »Cancer in Germany for 2015/2016« published in December 2019 | Control of Health Pest Organisms – news for recognition of products according to § 18 Infection Protection Act +++

    UMID 01/2020

  • 02/2019

    German Environmental Survey on Children and Adolescents, GerES V 2014–2017: First human biomonitoring results +++ OTHER TOPICS: Cooking for science – The MEAL Study of the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment | Development of a concept for total noise assessment | Assessment of the environmental burden of disease within the scope of the project BURDEN 2020 – project background and methodological approach | Negative effects from inert agents: the nocebo-effect | Environmental Justice in municipal practice – recommendations for the implementation of an integrated approach | Newly programmed app Scan4Chem simplif ies right on information about chemicals in consumer products – all across Europe! +++

    UMID 02/2019

  • 01/2019

    Walking is good for people and the environment - and is on the rise! +++ OTHER TOPICS: Air quality in Germany in 2018 | Regulations for the restriction of formaldehyde emissions from wood-based panels | Microplastics in food products: Oral uptake, toxicology and risk assessment | Radon in the new German radiation protection act | Occupational radiation protection in Germany: New legal requirements for radiation protection | Together into a healthier future: The European Human-Biomonitoring Initiative HBM4EU | Climate Preparedness Portal: A guide to climate services that prevent health impacts of climate change | Health reporting in a new format: The Journal of Health Monitoring +++

    UMID 01/2019

  • November 2018

    Risk perception of food contaminants: relationship with individual eating habits | Whorkshop “Environmental Health: Challenges for risk communication” | What do we do when we speak about risks? Linguistic theories can aid in designing risk communication | Risk communication and the risk of communication in environmental epidemiology – a first-hand report from Lower Saxony | Risk communication in diagnostic imaging with computed tomograpgy +++ OTHER TOPICS: Allergy – An environmental disease | Ultrafine particles in ambient air – current state of knowledge | Analysis of heat health-related indicators in view of the national adaption strategy to climate change | The German Environmental Survey in Children and Adolescents (GerES V) – Results of the participant’s satisfaction survey | RENEB – the European Network for Biological and Retrospective Physical Dosimetry | Which potential do geographic information systems have for the population-wide health monitoring of the Robert Koch Institute | Radiation protection in the process of power grid expansion – the research program of the federal office for radiation protection +++

    UMID 02/2018

  • April 2018

    Lead article: Pollen associated allergic diseases in times of climate change – New data on the development in Germany +++ Other topics: Recommendations for the compilation of heat-health action plans | Environmental and food contamination with polychlorinated biphenyls and selected POPs | Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances: persistent organic substances in the food chain | Chemicals in consumer articles – App Scan4Chem simplifies information right | Air quality in Germany in 2017 | Side effects of using optical radiation in cosmetics – Results of a representative survey | Crisis communication in emergency management – Aims and challenges | The collaborative research project INGER: New approaches for integrating gender into environmental health research | »Cancer in Germany for 2013/2014« published in December 2017 +++

    UMID 01/2018

  • November 2017

    Special topic: Antimicrobial resistances +++ Other topics: Workshop "Vulnerability within environment and health" | Social vulnerability in context of environment, health and social situation | Traffic-related noise and vulnerability | After the flood: Impacts and adaptation strategies in the Huasco Valley, Chile | »Older, fewer, more diverse«: demographic change in Germany | Healthy Ageing as an area of focus in the health monitoring of the Robert Koch Institute | Reuse of treated wastewater - what are the EU´s plans? | EU-limit values of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) +++

    UMID 02/2017

  • March 2017

    Lead article: Air quality in Germany in 2016 +++ Other topics: The importance of high air quality standards for people suffering from COPD | Health Risk Assessment of indoor air contaminants in Germany | Wild mushrooms – the long shadow of Chernobyl | Products to eradicate head lice infestations according to the German Infection Protection Act | Central data access: Information Platform of chemical monitoring data across Europe IPCheM | Avoid UV induced diseases – strengthen the structural prevention measures | »Bericht zum Krebsgeschehen in Deutschland« – Published for the first time in 2016 +++

    UMID 01/2017

  • November 2016

    +++ UV protection in practice - sunbed regulation | Causes of Childhood Leukemia – Results of the BfS pilot studies | Housing and Environment – Results of the national health monitoring system of the Robert Koch Institute | Psychosocial effects of climate change | What´s in your food – the MEAL Study of the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment | Environmental and health promotion in the university setting – tap water drinking made easy! +++

    UMID 02/2016

  • March 2016

    +++ From tattooing to laser removal – risks of permanent skin decoration | Laser, IPL & Co – Applications of Optical Radiation for cosmetic purposes | ”Smoke on the water” – waterpipe tobacco smoking among adolescents in Germany (Results of KiGGS Wave 1) | Ingredients and emissions of e-cigarettes | Holi-Colours – fun without risk? | Physical and mental effects of noise | The GEniUS-project – an overview of current environmental burden of disease and environmental cost-of-illness studies | The German power grid extension as a terrain of conflict | Social and mental consequences of radiological emergencies and disasters | Robert Koch Institute publishes the comprehensive report „Health in Germany“ – Demographic changes and social situation affect health particularly strong – | New brochure »Cancer in Germany« published in December 2015 +++

    UMID 01/2016

  • November 2015

    SPECIAL TOPIC: CLIMATE CHANGE AND HEALTH: Climate change and pollen allergy: How cities and municipalities can reduce allergenic plants in public spaces | Control of the oak processionary moth (Thaumetopoea processionea) for the protection of human health in public areas | The influence of climate change on biotropic weather situations and human health in Germany | What is the benefit of heat health warning, UV index, pollen flight and ozone forecasts to the public? | Effects of climate change on human health. Results of the Network Vulnerability | Recommendations on UV exposure for endogenous vitamin D synthesis – not an easy task | The impacts of climate change on human health – an overview of UMID articles from 2009 to 2015 +++ CHILDREN’S HEALTH: The 5th German Environmental Survey (GerES V) | German nutritional survey on children aged between 0.5 and 5 years +++ PARTICULATE MATTER: Particulate matter at Holi-Festivals – exploratory analysis by the German Environment Agency | Particulate matter makes sick and costs lives – calculation of the annual costs caused by the particulate matter pollution in Germany +++ FURTHER ARTICLES: Sex/gender, environment and health: Workshop on the relevance of sex and gender dimensions in exposure and risk assessment | Effects of electromagnetic fields from handsets of digital broadcast for security authorities on users | Ebola Virus Disease Outbreak in West Africa: Lessons learned for Germany | With ECDC/GOARN in Guinea for the Ebola Outbreak Management: Experiences in the field +++

    UMID 02/2015 Special topic: Climate Change and Health UMID 02/2015

  • March 2015

    +++ Aluminium in everyday life - Consumers' risk perception | Health effects of occupational radiation exposures among German uranium miners | Noise annoyance – selected results of the GEDA study 2012 | Trends in the prevalence of sensitization to common aeroallergens among adults in Germany over time. Results of two national health surveys | Inner-city air temperature as indicator for health risks in cities using Berlin as an example | Results of a survey about activities on climate change and health in Germany 2014 | Alternatives to the use of biocides – New appearance of the Federal Environment Agency´s web portal on alternative measures | Precautionary services of water supply companies – an important contribution for environmental and health protection +++

    UMID 01/2015

  • October 2014

    CURRENT TOPIC: ENVIRONMENT AND HEALTH IN URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING: Environmental justice in urban areas | Planning for health-promoting urban regions | Environmental justice in the state of Berlin | Healthy urban development for all: Jointly developing existing urban neighbourhoods | Healthy urban open spaces? Contributions of urban green and blue spaces to healthy urban development | Guidelines for Protection of Human Health | The protection of quiet areas +++ WORKSHOP "MIXED EXPOSURES AND COMBINED EFFECTS": Working group discusses current aspects from environmental health perspective | Population’s internal exposure to plasticizers | Gold extraction with simple methods | Methodological aspects in modeling the relationship between an exposition to bioaerosols and respiratory symptoms +++ FURTHER ARTICLES: Rodent control using anticoagulant rodenticides | Human nickel allergy | Frequency of sensitizations to allergens of mugwort and ragweed | Nuclear powerplants in Germany – Recent developments in off-site nuclear emergency preparedness and response +++

    UMID 02/2014: Schwerpunkt Umwelt und Gesundheit in Stadtentwicklung und -planung

  • March 2014

    +++ Climate change and pollen associated respiratory allergies | Current solar UV status in Germany | New brochure »Cancer in Germany« published in December 2013 | Long-term development of cancer sites related to early detection in Germany since 1970 | Calculating positive economic health effects from walking and cycling – the HEAT tool | Requirements for hygienic operation of cooling towers – Draft of technical guideline VDI 2047 Part 2 published +++

    UMID 01/2014

  • Jahresinhaltsverzeichnis

    UMID 2013

  • Dezember 2013

    Titelthema: Handynutzung und männliche Fruchtbarkeit +++ Weitere Themen: Feinstaub in Städten – Welche Probleme gibt es weltweit? | Berechnung der gesundheitlichen Belastung der Bevölkerung in Deutschland durch Feinstaub (PM10) | Antibiotikaresistenz bei kommensalen E. coli in der Tiermast – eine Übersicht | Akkumulation von Perfluoralkylsäuren (PFAAs) in essbaren Geweben landwirtschaftlicher Nutztiere | Inanspruchnahme von Krebsfrüherkennungsuntersuchungen in Deutschland – Ausgewählte Ergebnisse aus DEGS1 | Start der bundesweiten Erhebung von Aktivitäten zu Klimawandel und Gesundheit +++

    UMID 04/2013

  • September 2013

    Schwerpunktthema: Energiewende und Gesundheit +++ Weitere Themen (Auswahl): Open Government Data – Zugang zu Umwelt- und Gesundheitsdaten | Lungenkrebsrisiko durch Quarzfeinstaub bei deutschen Uranbergbauarbeitern | Übergewicht bei jungen Erwachsenen in Deutschland: Zeitliche Trends und Relevanz für die gesundheitsbezogene Umweltbeobachtung - Ergebnisse aus der Umweltprobenbank des Bundes +++

    UMID 03/2013: Schwerpunkt Energiewende und Gesundheit

  • Juli 2013

    UMID-Themenheft: Bürgerbeteiligung

    UMID 02/2013: Themenheft Bürgerbeteiligung

  • März 2013

    Schwerpunktthema: Chemikalien, Umwelt und Gesundheit +++ Weitere Themen (Auswahl): Gesundheitliche Risiken durch niderfrequente Felder der Stromversorgung - Stand der wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse und offene Fragen | Ziegruppengerechte Risikokommunikation zum Thema Nahrungsergänzungsmittel | Kommission Umweltmedizin am Robert Koch-Institut hat ihre Arbeit begonnen +++

    UMID 01/2013: Schwerpunkt Chemikalien, Umwelt und Gesundheit

  • Dezember 2012

    Themen (Auswahl): Biogene Bestandteile im urbanen Feinstaub | Formaldehyd-Emissionen aus Holzwerkstoffen: Handlungsbedarf für neues Prüfverfahren | Lärmbilanz 2012 - Lärmaktionsplanung in Deutschland | Wie kommen Forschungsergebnisse aus dem Bereich "Umwelt und Gesundheit" besser in die Politik? - Ergebnisse des ERA-ENVHEALTH-Projekts +++

    UMID 04/2012: Biogene Bestandteile im urbanen Feinstaub

  • September 2012

    Themen (Auswahl): Weiterentwicklung von Lärmkarten für eine bessere Umweltkommunikation | Gesundheitliche Auswirkungen starker Magnetfelder der Magnet-Resonanz-Tomographie | Ältere Menschen in der umweltepidemiologischen Gesundheitsforschung - Kenntnisse und Defizite | Ergebnisse der Fachtagung "Biogene Schadstoffe und Gesundheit" 2012 +++

    UMID 03/2012: Weiterentwicklung von Lärmkarten für eine bessere Umweltkommunikation

  • Juni 2012: Themenheft UV-Strahlung

    Im Urlaub Sonne tanken: Schon der Gedanke daran hebt die Stimmung. Doch ein allzu sorgloser Umgang mit der Sonne kann unerwünschte gesundheitliche Konsequenzen haben. Fachleute erläutern, wie UV-Strahlung wirkt, klären über mögliche Risiken auf und zeigen, wie man Gesundheitsschäden vorbeugen kann.

    UMID 02/2012: Themenheft UV-Strahlung

  • März 2012

    Themen (Auswahl): Bettwanzen – eine Plage kehrt zurück | Partikel-Emissionen aus Laserdruckern – Aktueller Sachstand | Gewinnung von Erdgas aus unkonventionellen Lagerstätten – Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt | Arzneimittel in der Umwelt – Ein Risiko? | Besonders besorgniserregende Chemikalien in Verbraucherprodukten – Auskunftsrechte unter REACH +++

    UMID 01/2012: EHEC 2011 – Ausbruchsaufklärung entlang der Lebensmittelkette

  • Dezember 2011: Schwerpunkt Umweltzonen

    Im Schwerpunkt Beiträge zu Erfahrungen mit Umweltzonen in Berlin, München und Nordrhein-Westfalen +++ Weitere Themen (Auswahl): Ausbau des Stromnetzes – Fachgespräch zur Risikokommunikation | Messung und Bewertung von Gerüchen aus Bauprodukten für den Innenraum | Bleibelastung von Wildbret durch Verwendung von Bleimunition bei der Jagd +++

    UMID 04/2011: Schwerpunktthema Umweltzonen

  • September 2011

    Themen (Auswahl): Ausbau des Stromnetzes aus Sicht des Strahlenschutzes | Emissionen von Nanopartikeln aus Produkten | Sicherheit von Nanosilber in Verbraucherprodukten | Gesundheitliche Gefahren durch Verwendung Isothiazolinon-haltiger Wandfarben +++

    UMID 03/2011: Ausbau der Stromübertragungsnetze aus Sicht des Strahlenschutzes

  • Juni 2011: Themenheft Umweltgerechtigkeit II

    Das Themenheft „Umweltgerechtigkeit“ gibt einen Überblick über aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse zur sozialen Verteilung gesundheitsrelevanter Umweltbelastungen. Mehrere Beiträge des Sammelbandes stellen Interventionsmöglichkeiten vor, wie Umwelt- und Lebensbedingungen in besonders belasteten Wohnquartieren verbessert werden können.

    UMID 02/2011: Themenheft Umweltgerechtigkeit II UMID 02/2011: Special Issue II Environmental Justice

  • März 2011

    Im Schwerpunkt Beiträge zu Dioxinen und dioxinähnlichen PCB, Ursachen und Relevanz von Dioxin- und PCB-Belastungen in Böden und die Sicherheit von Futter- und Lebensmitteln +++ Weitere Beiträge (Auswahl): 25 Jahre Tschernobyl: Gesundheitliche Folgen und heutige Kontamination | Quantifizierung des Einflusses von Lärm auf Lebensqualität und Gesundheit | Bildungsmaterialien "Umwelt und Gsundheit" erhalten Kapitel "Klimawandel und Gesundheit"

    UMID 01/2011: Schwerpunktthema Dioxine

  • April 2019

    MAIN TOPIC: Walking is good for people and the environment - and is on the rise! +++ OTHER TOPICS: Air quality in Germany in 2018 | Regulations for the restriction of formaldehyde emissions from wood-based panels | Microplastics in food products: Oral uptake, toxicology and risk assessment | Radon in the new German radiation protection act | Occupational radiation protection in Germany: New legal requirements for radiation protection | Together into a healthier future: The European Human-Biomonitoring Initiative HBM4EU | Climate Preparedness Portal: A guide to climate services that prevent health impacts of climate change | Health reporting in a new format: The Journal of Health Monitoring +++

    UMID 01/2019

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 APUG  Informationsdienst  UMID  health  consumer safety  health related environmental advisory service