VULCAN - Vulnerability assessment of shrubland ecosystems in Europe under climatic changes

The project investigates the effects of climate change on the ecological functions of scrublands to support political decisions and management practices and maintain the quality of this habitat type in Europe. The effects are studied by experimental manipulation of scrubland ecosystems in Europe, in order to analyse the impact of warming and drought on plants, soil, fauna and groundwater processes.
The objective is to develop an expert system based on experimental results and existing knowledge of management effects. Management practices are evaluated and prioritised using appropriate vulnerability scenarios.
Use of current climate projections
High night-time temperatures, heavier precipitation, longer droughts
The climate change influence the functioning of European scrubland ecosystems.
Investigation of vulnerability in the sense of susceptibility as a function of sensitivity and natural adaptation capacity (excluding social adaptation capacity) of European scrublands in respect of various environmental stress factors
Maintaining the functional capacity of scrubland ecosystems.
funded under the EU's 5th Framework Programme for Research "Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development"
Risoe National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark
Consortium consisting of 11 research groups from Denmark, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Hungary, Italy and Spain
Risoe National Laboratory, Technical University of Denmark
Frederiksborgvej 399
DK-4000 Roskilde