NORKLIMA - Climate change and impacts in Norway

The ten-year NORKLIMA programme (2003 - 2013), one of the larger programmes of the Research Council of Norway, concentrates on improving the knowledge on the cause and effect of the climate change from a comprehensive viewpoint.
The primary objective of the NORKLIMA programme is to generate vital new knowledge about the climate system, about climate trends in the past, present and future, and about the direct and indirect impacts of climate change on the natural environment and society, as a basis for ?adaptive responses by society.
Specific objectives
More research is also needed on feedback mechanisms in the?climate system and their importance for future climate trends. Furthermore, research is needed to strengthen model development, particularly to develop better regional climate scenarios. The priorities of the NORKLIMA programme with regard to climate scenarios are as follows:
Earth system modelling:
Climate scenarios:
The NORKLIMA programme is intended to increase knowledge of the impacts of climate change on the physical environment. In addition, the programme is intended to identify and quantify the direct and indirect impact of climate change on the ecology.
The NORKLIMA programme is intended to address research needs related to the impacts of climate change and society’s response to these impacts. This may, for example, include building up the capacity needed to cope with necessary adaptations, and how governance systems and the institutional framework can be adapted to make society more resilient to climate change.
Climate change may pose challenges in the context of societal security. In addition, sectors of particular importance for Norway, such as fisheries, energy, agriculture and forestry, have special knowledge needs.
The budget for the NORKLIMA programme was reduced from approx. NOK 100 million in 2004 to NOK 88 million in 2005, NOK 87 million in 2006, NOK 77 million in 2007 and NOK 74 million in 2008. Analysis of the need for research has shown that the programme requires an increased allocation of funding amounting to min. NOK 405 million for the period from 2009-2013 (averaging an additional NOK 77 million per year). The ministries and funds for research and innovation are seen as the main sourcing of finance here, although another possibility is industry by means of active participation in projects with user involvement.
no details
The Research Council of Norway
Stensberggata 26
P.O. Box 2700 St. Hanshaugen
NO-0131 Oslo