Möckernkiez Kreuzberg, Berlin – integrated, sustainable development of a new city quarter by private stakeholders

On its own initiative, and in its capacity as a non-profit citizen's action group and building cooperative, the Möckernkiez eG is planning the construction of a modern city neighbourhood at the edge of the "Gleisdreieck" park in Kreuzberg, which is currently still under construction. The intention is to realize a unique and model project in cooperation with various partners: A communally-owned, cross-generation residential complex, designed to be ecologically sustainable, accessible, intercultural and socially integrative. The plan envisages communal buildings/facilities, trade and commerce, and about 385 apartments, all to be completed by 2013.
The following objectives are to be achieved in a model form:
– Development of an attractive residential area with all facilities within easy reach;
– Construction of an ecological and car-free neighbourhood (passive houses, renewable energies, wastewater resource reclamation, etc.);
– Promotion and strengthening of the social cohesion in the area;
– Development of a family-friendly, child-friendly environment;
– Integration of persons with disabilities in the sense of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities;
– Living at home and independent living for senior citizens;
– Participation of future residents and neighbours in the design of the neighbourhood;
– Design of the Mockernkiez according to the "Design-for-All" principles propagated by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWI), taking the "diversity and the quality of life of all people into account" and consistently observing the aspect of accessibility.
Recent regional climate projections, scenarios, and information are provided by the DWD (German Meteorological Service). Basic information provided by the DWD office on the Berlin urban climate is also used. Changes in annual average values are normally not critical factors with regard to climate change adaptation in the real estate and housing industry. Far greater significance must be attached to the increase in extreme weather events.
extreme weather events
risks for real estate and housing industry
An integrated climate protection and adaptation strategy is pursued:
1. Climate protection
- reduction of CO2 footprint through use of passive house standards and renewable energy, energy efficiency standards, promotion of eco-friendly mobility (car and bicycle sharing), car-free neighbourhood, integration of local facilities (everything within easy reach);
- reduced, eco-friendly consumption of resources through use of recycled and climate-friendly materials and products, wastewater use including rainwater, use of energy-saving techniques, calculation of total/primary energy consumption requirements, drinking water requirements and land/space requirements;
2. Climate adaptation
- improvement of the microclimate and stabilization of urban biodiversity through green roofs and façades (including summer cooling), structural measures for shading and sun screening, ecologically sustainable green spaces and open spaces concept;
The project initiator aims to fulfil the certification requirements of the gold seal of quality for sustainable building awarded by the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) , which sets exacting standards for the ecological, economic, socio-cultural, functional, technical, process and location qualities of the project.
Federal State of Berlin; Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development (BMVBS) and the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR): Klima ExWoSt - Immoklima
Promoter: Cooperative Möckern neighborhood eG (support of the pilot project), neighborhood association Möckern eV initiative Möckern neighborhood and the network provider.
Project researchers: WEEBER+PARTNER
Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, Stattbau Urban Development mbH Berlin, Jacoby Attorneys, Drees & Sommer and five architects (architects Baufrösche, Baumschlager-Eberle, Rolf Disch Solar Architecture, Roedig. Schop architects, Schulte-Frohlinde architects)
Möckernkiez eG
Möckernstraße 64
D-10965 Berlin