KUNTIKUM - Climate Trends and Sustainable Development of Tourism in Coastal and Low Mountain Range Regions

Since tourism is a very weather-sensitive sector, this project intends to figure out which adaption strategy to climate change might be the best, dealing with setbacks and creating new potentials for success. According to climate projections conditions for winter sports will get worse in the model region of High Black Forest. The model region North Sea coast is facing a rising sea level among others. Furthermore, an increase in extreme weather events is expected for the whole of Germany. Previous studies on tourism and climate change suggest that climate change impacts have not been integrated comprehensively into management processes of the tourism sector.
The two model regions – North Sea and the High Black Forest – had been selected against this background and the following objectives been formulated:
This led to the following structure, divided into four project phases:
There is a need to adapt tourism to the changing climate conditions in the two model regions of Germany. The main goal of KUNTIKUM is to foster innovation and learning abilities in the tourism industry in both model regions with the objective that new products and infrastructure innovations can emerge in the context of sustainable development. To make the outcomes of this project available to other tourist regions in Germany, a roadmap for the advancement of expertise in the field of tourism and climate change will be developed at the end of the project.
Simulations are based on regional climate models and empirical downscaling. Furthermore thermal and human biometeorological parameters (e.g. physiologically equivalent temperature), physical (e.g. precipitation and wind) and aesthetic (sunshine and cloudiness) parameters have been analyzed in high spatial and temporal resolution.
Shift of snow and ice zones, increase in extreme weather events; also bioclimate, thermal comfort and perception aspects of climate/weather
Climate change impacts considered are the deterioration of conditions for winter sports, the challenges for the tourism infrastructure by sea level rise, the negative effects of extreme weather events, as well as favorable factors for tourism resulting from the weather and climate.
The effects of global warming present the tourism sector with major challenges. The climate change has a directly effect on weather conditions and therefore also on the seasonality of tourism business in the travel destinations. It's about more than just rain and sun here are the project considers all climate change related aspects of tourism potential and analyzed. Beside precipitation and sunshine all climate change related aspects of tourist potential will be considered and analyzed in the project. Furthermore, there are several indirect climate change impacts. Thus, changes in the overall appearance of the landscape and the natural environment of the destinations are to be expected in the context of the global warming. The conditions for regional tourism can therefore be substantially altered by climate change and the impact on landscapes and ecosystems will be analyzed as well. Changing conditions at the travel destination, however, cannot be directly linked to changes in tourism demand. More criteria need to be considered. It is particularly important as the destination is perceived and evaluated from the perspective of tourists.
Will be analyzed based on expert workshops
Background and objectives: development of new products and infrastructure elements that adapt the domestic tourism to climate change trends and extreme weather.
Coastal measures and policies with respect to sea level rise, coastal erosion, extreme weather events and storms are such as:
Measures and strategies for low mountain range areas are such as:
Conceptual development to promote skills in the field of Tourism and Climate Change and transferability to other tourist regions by creating an information and communication platform with a training module.
In terms of implementing sustainable tourism and giving best practice examples sustainable products and infrastructure innovations will be development.
Funding programme “klimazwei – research for climate protection and protection from climate impacts”, Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Germany
Institute of Environmental Communication (INFU), Leuphana University Lüneburg
Meteorological Institute of the University of Freiburg;
In collaboration with representatives of the tourism industry and tourism policy.
Leuphana Universität Lüneburg,
Institut für Umweltkommunikation (INFU)
Scharnhorststr. 1
D-21335 Lüneburg