KLIMES – Strategies and Concepts for Urban Planning to Mitigate the Impacts of Climate Extrems on Well-Being and Health of People in Cities

Recent results from simulations of the regional climate change predict a significant increase of extreme heat waves in Central Europe. This negative change of the climatic conditions leads to an enhanced importance of human thermal comfort in urban planning. For its problem-specific consideration, quantitative assessment methods and thermal indices, respectively, have to be applied, which were developed in the field of human-biometeorology.
The cooperative project KLIMES deals with solutions for planning-related problems caused by the impacts of extreme heat in summer on people in cities. The main objective is to update and test existing guidelines for urban planning under the changed climatic conditions, which is based on human-biometeorological results considering environmental protection as well. The application of this guideline in different scales of urban planning should reduce the negative impacts of increasing extreme heat in summer on people in cities. So the impairment of human thermal comfort will not reach the extent, which strongly limits the quality of urban life.
The research is performed is the city of Freiburg in SW Germany. Due to its location at the eastern border of the N-S oriented southern upper Rhine plain, Freiburg represents the warmest city in Germany. Results of regional climate simulations predict heat waves for this region, which will be more frequent, longer and more intensive in the future.
Different urban quarters were selected as investigation sites in Freiburg based on the following criteria:
Different coordinated methods are applied in the selected urban quarters in Freiburg to obtain results for the human thermal comfort during extreme summer heat:
These methods will primarily be applied outdoors in selected urban quarters, but they will be additionally used indoors during parallel investigations.
microclimate in Freiburg
Simulation of urban microclimate for selected city structures in Freiburg were done under current and under changing conditions based on the IPCC climate projections (2007). Extension of the microclimate model ENVI-met a simulation of thermal indoor conditions by the thermal comfort index PET (physiologically equivalent temperature) and evaluation of the thermal bioclimate by means of multi-agent simulations
The impact of climate trends and extreme weather in cities during summer on people in- and outdoors is considered. Based on the results from regional climate simulations, the probability is very high that in Central Europe the near-surface temperature will rise and an intensification of extreme heat waves in summer will occur. Changes in the large-scale thermal conditions will be exacerbated in cities by their own urban climate. Thus, there will be greater impairment of thermal comfort for people in cities in the future. Development of a ranking of city structures, which characterizes different thermal stress intensities for people in cities during extreme warm summers today and in the future.
Since regional climate models predict an intensification of extreme heat waves in summer for Central Europe, the importance of human biometerological oriented strategies in urban planning increases significantly to minimize the future impairment of thermal comfort for people in cities. To develope such strategies quantitative information of the influencing factors regarding the thermal comfort in different neighborhoods are required. Objective is the development of urban climate guidelines for the implementation of adaptation strategies in urban planning and problem-specific synthesis of all the results in a practicable guide to climate change oriented planning and building.
Funding programme “klimazwei – research for climate protection and protection from climate impacts”, Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Germany
Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg, Meteorological Institute
Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg, Meteorological Institute
University of Kassel, Department of Environmental Meteorology
University of Kassel, Department of Urban Development
Ruhr-University Bochum, Geography Department, Geomatics Group
Meteorologisches Institut der
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Werthmannstr. 10
D-79085 Freiburg
meteo @ meteo.uni-freiburg.de