INNIG - Integrated flood risk management in an individualised society

The project will develop the methodology used for scientific and engineering risk analysis of the flood situation in Bremen, using the latest instruments and model links, and will also study the psychological and sociological dimensions of risk perception, communication and acceptance, against the backdrop of the social change that is taking place. The results will be combined to create a concept for integrated flood risk management, which will include a state of the art Internet-based product for risk communication: known as the flood information platform.
The objective is to provide expertise on precautions against extreme flood events and for dealing with floods. This will be achieved by developing a concept for integrated flood risk management and an Internet-based information platform for the flood situation in the city of Bremen, to support and improve risk communication.
Assumptions for rising sea levels and runoffs for the river weser will be studied (see also KLIMU and KRIM projects)
The climate effects studied are the increase in the probability of failure of coastal protection facilities and the associated risk in the areas flooded after a dyke breach. In addition, the effects of a combination of storm flood and high inland water flow on water levels in the Bremen city area will be studied.
The social vulnerability of different social groups is analysed, particularly in German cities, taking account of social change. A comparison of the social perception of flood risks resulting from different risk communication activities and an analysis of the discussions in the political/administrative system for dealing with climate change and floods will also be carried out.
Adaptation capacity: Analysis of the political/administrative management options for coastal protection and disaster prevention, and the technical risk management options, including cost/benefit considerations.
Adaptation is today necessary, as current extreme events (storm floods and extreme inland water flows) also represent flood hazards and determine the resulting flood risks.
The options for changed technical risk management, improved risk communication, integrated flood risk management and an increased willingness to take individual disaster precautions are the adaptation measures studied.
In particular, a prototype for a flood information platform will be developed, which will be accessible to the public and is intended to contribute to supplementing and extending the range of public information on the risks and protection options in Bremen. The interactive platform can be accessed from the project website and contains comprehensive information about:
In addition, users can determine the height above sea level of their own home and view potential flood risks in the form of overview maps, taking into account the effects of climate change. If this is too much, the information platform can prepare and display tailored information if the user completes a short questionnaire. Recommendations on how the citizens of Bremen should behave in case of a flood disaster and how potential damage can be prevented using simple measures round off the information available on the site.
Risk communication treads a fine line between causing uncertainty or panic and reassurance or trivialisation. Therefore, the development of appropriate communication strategies is essential to avoid conflicts and utilise opportunities.
BMBF-funded programme "Risk Management of Extreme Flood Events" (RIMAX)
BioConsult Schuchardt and Scholle GbR
University of Bremen: Institute of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology;
Centre for Computing Technologies;
Research Center Sustainability (artec);
Institute for Risk, Environment and Health;
University of Hanover: Franzius Institute of Hydraulics, Waterways and Coastal Engineering;
University of Lüneburg: Institute for Environmental Communication
BioConsult Schuchardt und Scholle GbR
Reeder-Bischoff-Straße 54
D-28757 Bremen