Indicator system for the presentation of direct and indirect impacts of the climate change on biodiversity in Germany

The climate change sometimes has far-reaching effects on biodiversity. These include direct effects, such as changes in the distribution of species or also shifts in their lifecycle and annual rhythm (e.g., flowering periods, migration periods). Indirect effects primarily result from adaptation measures for anticipating the projected climate change (e.g., forest conversions to different tree species) or protection against its consequences (e.g., dike extension for flooding reasons) or from climate protection measures to counteract the the climate change (e.g., promotion of renewable energy).
The aim of the project is to develop indicators that describe the effects of climate change on the biodiversity in Germany, which can be used as the basis for nature conservation policy decisions.
The following work steps are planned:
No climate scenarios used, as the indicator set to be developed builds on monitoring data;
Direct effects, such as changes in the phenology and the distribution of species; indirect effects through adaptation measures in land use (expansion of renewable energy, agriculture, forestry, etc.) and nature conservation adaptations (extending conservation areas, strengthening resilience, etc.;
The indicator set to be developed dictates no specific measures, but will help in the decision-making process for adaptation measures. Among other things, adaptation measures in land use and nature conservation are evaluated for this purpose.
Some of the indicators will be needed for monitoring purposes within the framework of the "German Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change" (DAS) to the climate change as well as the "National Strategy on Biological Diversity" (NBS).
Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN)
TU Berlin, Institut für Landschaftsarchitektur und Umweltplanung, Department of Landscape Planning and Development
The project is carried out by the consortium:
Technische Universität Berlin
Institut für Landschaftsarchitektur und Umweltplanung
Fachgebiet Landschaftsplanung und Landschaftsentwicklung
Straße des 17. Juni 135
D-10623 Berlin