Euro-limpacs - Evaluating the Impacts of Global Change on European Freshwater Ecosystems

Aquatic ecosystems, which are already under strain from changes in land use and pollution, will be placed under even more strain due to accelerated climate change. This could lead to severe danger and risks for society, as it will reduce the availability and quality of drinking water. In addition, the functioning of aquatic ecosystems could also be reduced, and people depend on their "ecosystem services". The project brings together academics to promote research into river, lake and wetland ecosystems at drainage basin level. It is split into the following ten work packages (WP), which can be divided into four sections:
The study areas selected for the project represent the full range of European climate zones and freshwater types from North to South, from maritime to continental areas and from lowlands to mountains.
The object of the project is to analyse and assess the effects of climate change on freshwater ecosystems. The research programme is also relevant for the EC Water Framework Directive and for other European and international legislation. In addition, it supports the European Union charter for sustainable development.
In Germany, the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) is involved in WP 5. The objective of the work on the "Climate - toxic substances interactions" sub-project is to experimentally test and quantify possible responses to forecast climatic changes on alluvial soils from three typical alluvial locations (embankment, natural depression, plateau) on the lower middle Elbe. On the one hand, the studies are intended to demonstrate that the soils in the selected alluvial locations respond to climatic changes. In addition, the studies are intended to confirm the supposition that the locations are expected to have different responses to changed environmental conditions.
Future climate projections are based on the data from IPCC in 2007 and from the European Environment Agency (EEA ). According to the IPCC, the average global air temperature has risen by 0.6°C since the 19th Century and is predicted to rise more sharply in the 21st Century. In Europe, regional climate models are forecasting an additional temperature increase of up to 6°C by the end of the 21st Century.
extreme events
The climate effects for freshwater ecosystems (aquatic systems) will be studied. If the predicted changes in the climate occur, significant effects on the hydrology, chemistry and ecology of rivers, lakes and wetlands are expected. Interactions with the soil are also anticipated. For example, a temperature increase results in a reduction in soil suspension due to falling redox potential, which increases the proportion of mobile heavy metals in the soil suspension. A significant change between drying out and rewatering leads to sharply fluctuating redox potential. Forecasting the direct effects of climate change on aquatic ecosystems is very complex.
Predictions of the effects that are combined with other human effects represent a major challenge. The consequences of human activity on freshwater and considerable and include:
All of these effects interact with climate change. In order to analyse these interactions, the key factors for changes in aquatic ecosystems are being studied and the currently available evidence of such interactions is being used. The climate effects are being analysed for three timescales: Hours/days with changes in the severity and frequency of extreme events, seasons with changes in ecosystem functions and life cycle strategies of freshwater creatures, years/decades with ecosystem responses to environmental strains, including stress reduction and recovery of ecosystems.
Background and objectives: The project will provide practical support to those involved in management of aquatic ecosystems. The objective is to develop and provide an ecosystem management system by:
Based on the studied time horizons for climate effects
There are conflicts of interest in terms of the use of water resources.
6th Framework Programme for Research of the European Union "Global Change and Ecosystems"
Environmental Change Research Centre, University College London (Great Britain)
36 project partners;
in Germany: Helmholz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ)
Department Naturschutzforschung
Theodor-Lieser-Straße 4
D-06120 Halle/Saale