ALARM - Assessing large scale Risks for biodiversity with tested Methods

In the project, methods are developed and tested for estimating large-scale environmental risks and minimizing the negative direct and indirect humans impacts on the ecosystems. For this, a better understanding of terrestrial and freshwater biodiversity and ecosystem functioning is required. In particular, changes in biodiversity and in the structure, function, and dynamics of ecosystems will be assessed and forecast. This also includes the so-called ecosystem services and the interactions between society, economy and biodiversity. Moreover, in the context of current and future European land use patterns, the project will assess risks arising from climate change, environmental chemicals, biological invasions and pollinator loss.
The objective is the development of an integrated and large-scale risk assessment for changes in biodiversity of terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems. To this end, economic indicators will be developed to support policies that contribute to the preservation of biodiversity . The risk assessment includes methods and also ""risk assessment objects"" (RAOs), which are the results generated by risk assessments using the methods stored in the ""risk assessment toolkit"" (RAT). These are stored in a database available on the internet. In the RAT, different search criteria can be selected, such as geographical region, driver/pressure on biodiversity or implemented storyline.
There are three qualitative climate scenarios (corresponding to "good", "same as now", and "bad" ). The HadCM3 climate model provides the baseline.
In addition, different "storylines" will be defined, narrative descriptions of alternative future pathways of the factors of socio-economic context, demographic development, macroeconomics, technological development, consumption patterns, energy and transport development, agriculture, waste and resource flows, geopolitical and international cooperation, trade and globalisation, migration, and availability of natural resources The three storylines are named BAMBU (Business-As-Might-Be-Usual), GRAS (Growth Applied Strategy), and SEDG (Sustainable European Development Goal). In addition, so-called "shock scenarios" are studied, e.g., changes in the thermohaline circulation, changes in land use, and changes in soil moisture (see ALARM project).
cloud cover
growing degree days
atmospheric vapour pressureGeographical reference
In addition to the assessment of risks arising from the climate change, the project also considers the risks of environmental chemicals, biological invasions and pollinator loss. For the terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems, the impacts of the climate change will be expressed locally in the form of changes to species composition, diversity and structure, as well as altered dynamics, which can have consequences for biodiversity
The loss of biodiversity can lead to in the impairment of current ecosystem services valued by the human population.
To mitigate the adverse effects of a curtailment of ecosystem services on society. This is to be achieved with the aid of a risk assessment, comprising hazard identification, risk estimate, risk management and risk communication.
Economic risk indicators are considered
EU's 6th Framework Programme for Research, Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystems
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Location Halle
Cooperation with 54 partners from 26 countries;
in Germany:
Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research (UFZ)
Theodor-Lieser-Straße 4
D-06120 Halle/Saale