Central Office Division Z

Although the activities of our Central Office Division mainly center around services for the UBA itself, the Division’s citizen´s service unit and environmental library have a great deal to offer the general public as well. Carina Harms and Andreas Lorenz are responsible for the management of the Central Office Division Z.

The Central Office Division Z keeps the UBA running smoothly so that our staff can devote their full energies to environmental protection. Accordingly the Central Office Division’s tasks mainly revolve around human and financial resources; various planning and organizational processes; management of UBA properties nationwide; information and communication technology; and providing legal advice, as well as administrative support for NGO nature conservation projects and for research projects involving both government and outside funding.

But the Central Office Division’s activities don’t stop there. It also houses the largest environmental library in the German-speaking world and has a citizen´s service unit that answers up to 100,000 queries annually from the general public.

The Central Office Division also works on key issues such as human resource development, work-life balance, wellness management for UBA personnel, and green IT.

In short, the Central Office Division seeks to help the UBA become a modern government agency that sets an example in both the social and ecological spheres.

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 Das UBA  Umweltbundesamt  Central Office Division  German Environment Agency