Driverless shuttles on the roads, assistance systems in passenger cars and route planning on your phone – these and other current and future developments in the digitalisation of transport, their opportunities and risks, and necessary constraints were analysed in two UBA research projects. The results have now been summarised and published in a brochure. read more
sustainable mobility
Sustainable mobility
Passenger traffic and freight transport in Germany are growing steadily. Increasing numbers of passengers does not necessarily have to hamper personal mobility. By the same token, more freight transport does add up to the better and more efficient supply of goods. read more
News on Transport
How environmentally friendly is UBA's mobility?
The German Environment Agency (UBA) has conducted its fourth mobility survey of its staff's commuting behaviour and arrangement of business trips in the context of its in-house environmental and health-oriented mobility management. Nearly 68 percent of employees commute to work on foot, by bicycle or bus and train. The national average is only 32 percent. read more
News on Sustainability | Strategies | International matters and Transport
Urban transport is becoming more sustainable
Urban transport in the EU is undergoing a change. This is the outcome of the latest Transport and Environmental Reporting Mechanism (TERM) Report by the European Environment Agency (EEA). read more