renewable energy


Indicator: Share of renewables in gross electricity consumption

A diagram shows the share of renewable energies in gross electricity consumption. The share increased almost continuously from 6.3% to 52.5% between 2000 and 2023.

The share of renewable energies in gross electricity consumption rose from 6.3% to 52.5% between 2000 and 2023.The German Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) stipulates that the share of renewable energies should increase to at least 80% by 2030.If Germany fulfills its ambitious expansion targets for new photovoltaic and wind power plants over the next few years, this goal is within reach. read more

Indicator: Share of renewables in gross final energy consumption

A graph shows the share of renewable energies in gross final energy consumption. The share increased from 6.2 % to 22.0 % between 2004 and 2023.

Gross final energy consumption includes all types of final energy consumption by end consumers, including electricity, district heating, fuels and fuels for heat generation.As part of the updated EU Renewable Energy Directive (RED) targets, the German target has been set at 41% by 2030.Achieving this target will require new measures and a significant acceleration in the expansion of renewable ener... read more

Indicator: Greenhouse gas emissions avoided by renewable energies

A figure shows the trend for greenhouse gas emissions avoided by the use of renewables for power, heat and transport. 28 million tonnes of CO2 equivalents were avoided in 1990, and 249 million tonnes in 2023.

Renewables are increasingly replacing fossil fuels in the fields of electricity, heat and transport.More than three quarters of the emission reductions were achieved in the electricity sector.The Federal Government intends to considerably expand the share of renewables to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions. read more

News on Climate | Energy

Who is doing what in the Energiewende?

eine Frau und ein Mann mit blauen Bau-Schutzhelmen stehen mit einem Tablet und Papierunterlagen in der Hand auf einer Wiese und zeigen auf eine Windkraftanlage

Germany's Energiewende is a complex, large-scale project. The tasks and measures by which to achieve it are manifold and diverse, as reflected by the many active players in Germany. The publication "Who is who of the Energiewende in Germany – Contact Partners in Politics, Industry and Society", published by the Foreign Office in German and English, provides an overview. read more

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