
News on Chemicals

New research project „ZeroPM“ with UBA participation

ZeroPM Dreieck

In autumn 2021, the new European research project "ZeroPM: Zero Pollution of Persistent, Mobile substances" will start. The German Environment Agency (UBA) is involved as a project partner. ZeroPM will develop political, technological and market-based tools that aim to reduce the use and emissions of persistent and mobile substances as well as contamination from such substances. read more


Media coverage and dissemination PMT/vPvM criteria

Media coverage and dissemination PMT/vPvM criteria

Through the initiative by UBA, the hazard caused by persistent (degrade only very slowly in the environment) and at the same time polar and "mobile" substances to the sources of our drinking water has been problematised. Below is a selection of media coverage and dissemination from journalist, regulators, scientists, NGOs and legal bodies. This chronological list was last updated July 2020. read more


Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) PMT/vPvM criteria

Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) PMT/vPvM criteria

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) related to the PMT/vPvM criteria to identify PMT/vPvM substances under REACH are answered. The answers include scientific and regulatory views substantiated by monitoring data, simulation and model studies and impact considerations. References to scientific publications are given. read more


The final PMT/vPvM criteria after public consultation

The final PMT/vPvM criteria after public consultation

The final PMT and vPvM criteria are the result of several public consultations and the scientific and technical development under REACH. Over 100 scientists and institutions contributed with thorough scientific and technical comments. The following criteria were presented at the 30th Caracal meeting (01 - 02 July 2019) and are also published in UBA TEXTE 127/2019 (Neumann and Schliebner, 2019). read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment