plastic waste


Indicator: Plastic waste in the North Sea

A graph shows the 5-year averages for 2002 to 2021 of the proportion of fulmars with stomachs containing over 0.1 grammes of plastic. The indicator has declined slightly and is at 49 %.

Since studies began, the stomachs of 88 % to 97 % beached fulmars have been found to contain plastics.Around 49 % of beached fulmars on the North Sea coasts have more than 0.1 grammes of plastic in their stomachs.The target set by the OSPAR convention is to reduce this to a maximum of 10 %. However, it may take a long time to reach this target.Large quantities of plastic waste still end up in the... read more

News on Economy | Consumption, Waste | Resources and Water

Can product design prevent marine litter?

crab in a plastic bottle on the beach

Designers can also contribute to solving the problem of marine litter – with the right choice of materials when designing products, for instance. This was the topic of a workshop that was initiated by the UBA in June 2018 with approximately 30 participants from the Baltic Sea Region. The results and specific recommendations for action have now been published. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment