Since 2019, the PMT/vPvM criteria have been widely used under the EU´s chemicals legislation REACH to identify and regulate persistent and mobile substances. In fall of 2021 a new research project “ZeroPM” will be initiated aiming at the reduction of Emissions of persistent and mobile substances to better protect the environment and human health from such substances. read more
Emergence of the PMT/vPvM criteria
Between 2009-2015, the UBA scientifically developed, under the EU´s chemical legislation REACH, new criteria to identify substances which have intrinsic properties that indicate a hazard to the sources of our drinking water. Chemical safety experts and regulators agreed on the need to precautionarily identify such substances of concern. This is considered as the emergence of the PMT/vPvM criteria. read more
PMT and vPvM substances under REACH
PMT/vPvM substances are persistent and mobile in the aquatic environment. These intrinsic substance properties allow them to spread to the sources of our drinking water. Contamination can be irreparable as these substances remain in the environment and break through filters and survive drinking water treatment. Consequently, registrants under REACH must minimise any emissions into the environment. read more
Waste | Resources
Wastes containing POPs and PCB
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are a worldwide problem. PCB, which is a POP, has not been used in Germany for years and only occurs in certain wastes. read more