Lead is a toxic heavy metal and usually occurs bound to other substances. In ambient air lead is measured bound to particulate matter. read more
Metals and selenium are found in the environment in various different compounds. Their geogenic concentrations (background concentrations ) vary. Some metals and selenium are essential for organisms at low concentrations. read more
Lead at Christmas and on New Year's Eve
Lead tinsel is no longer in fashion, and that's a good thing, because lead is known to be an environmental toxin. The presence of lead can be recognised by the product’s greater weight and the designation “Stanniol”. From the fact that there are still a few sources from which lead-based tinsel can be bought we conclude that some diehard fans still prefer these ornaments for nostalgic reasons. read more
Survey 1990-1992 in Comparison with Survey 1997-1999
One of the main goals of GerES is to document a trend in time of population exposure. Data from the different surveys have to be made comparable to achieve this goal:A comparison is only possible for the same age group (25 to 69 years of age). Data from 1990-1992 was recalculated for this age group ignoring data for the 18 to 25 years old and the 69 to 79 years old population.Data from 1997-1999 w... read more