The AIR sets indoor air guide values, hygienic guide values and risk-related and preliminary guide values for health-based assessment of indoor air. read more
indoor air
News on Health
Assessment of construction products emissions EU-wide possible
Construction products for interior work can be a significant source of pollutants in indoor air. In order to better protect human health, UBA has been working with a group of experts since 2011 to develop common assessment standards across Europe. The first complete list of substances and associated evaluations (EU LCI values) was published in November 2023. read more
It is often difficult to find out exactly what triggers headaches or migraines. However, poor air quality should be considered when searching for headache causes. read more
Economy | Consumption
Formaldehyde emissions: Test conditions for wood-based materials
Even today, harmful formaldehyde from wood-based materials and other products is still offgassing into indoor air. Low-emission products are now more important than ever, as, for energy-conservation reasons, new and renovated buildings are more air-tight now than they used to be. The German Environment Agency (UBA) has achieved, that the test conditions have been adapted to the state of the art. read more
Economy | Consumption
European testing procedure: Emissions from construction products
For reliable data on pollutant emissions from construction products both validated testing procedures and qualified testing bodies are required. Test methods for determining the release of dangerous substances from construction products have been available in Europe for some time, and the first designated testing laboratories for this purpose have recently been set up in line with EU regulations. read more
Indoor air hygiene
People in developed countries spend the majority of their lives indoors, on average about two thirds in their home. However, the quality of indoor air is not always beneficial to human health. read more
News on Health
How to raise healthier children: new guide
Children nowadays spend most of their time indoors. This is why it is all the more important that indoor air quality be good read more
Economy | Consumption
Environmental product declarations for construction products
Environmental product declarations for construction products provide guidance in the selection and ease the documentation of products in the construction process. They also provide the fundamental information for carrying out life cycle assessments. read more