Lead is a toxic heavy metal and usually occurs bound to other substances. In ambient air lead is measured bound to particulate matter. read more
Cadmium in particulate matter
Cadmium is toxic and cancerogenic. It belongs to the heavy metals and usually occurs bound to other substances. In ambient air arsenic is measured bound to particulate matter. read more
Nickel in particulate matter
Nickel belongs to the heavy metals and usually occurs bound to other substances. In ambient air arsenic is measured bound to particulate matter. read more
Arsenic in particulate matter
Arsenic is toxic and can have metallic or non-metallic characteristics. It rarely occurs elementary but most of the time bound to other substances. In ambient air arsenic is measured bound to particulate matter. read more
Benzo(a)pyrene in particulate matter
Benzo(a)pyrene is a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon. It is used as a marker for the carcinogenic risk of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in ambient air. read more