More than half of Germany's surface area is used for agriculture. Agriculture thus is the largest land user in Germany and a significant contributor to environmental stress. On the other hand, agriculture is also affected, for example, by the effects of climate change. In the flyer "Environment and agriculture 2018" UBA presents key facts about agriculture and environment. read more
News on Soil | Land
Environment and agriculture – Overview for Germany
KomPass: project on Climate | Energy
AnKliG - Adaptation Strategies for Climate Change and Extreme Weather Conditions and Measures for a Sustainable Groundwater Management
Pharmaceuticals, which have become a lynchpin of our high standard of living, improve our quality of life and palliate and cure human and veterinary diseases. However, pharmaceuticals need to be used sparingly and with due care, for their positive effects also entail human and environmental risks and collateral effects. read more
KomPass: project on Climate | Energy
NO REGRET - Avoid Water Shortage
KomPass: project on Climate | Energy
Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation - Cross-regional Research Programme (Project C - Water)
KomPass: project on Climate | Energy
KlimaNet - Water sensitive urban development: Network for sustainable adaptation of regional residential water management to climate trends and extreme weather
KomPass: project on Climate | Energy
WASKlim - Water Management Adaption Strategies to Climate Change
Massive amounts of pesticides are used for farming, mainly in order to keep crop plants healthy and eliminate weeds and pests. But pesticides also have a negative impact on biodiversity and on the waterbody quality of nearby biotopes. read more