environmental pollution

News on Sustainability | Strategies | International matters

UBA and BfN for a green and just transition in Europe

Picture of the Berlaymong building, seat of the European Commission in Brussels

The incoming European Commission should continue an ambitious policy that reduces greenhouse gas emissions and environmental pollution, protects biodiversity and distributes the burden fairly. This is the key message of a Scientific Opinion Paper by the German Environment Agency and the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation for EU climate, environmental and biodiversity policy in the years ahead. read more


Ecological impact of farming

Tractor with tow tube

Germany’s farming sector uses the largest amount of land, but is at the same a lynchpin of our economy – one that provides a reliable food supply and produces sustainable raw materials. The farming sector also plays a key role when it comes to preservation and development of the man-made environment. But increasingly intensive farming brings with it a host of eco-unfriendly effects. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment