
Sustainability | Strategies | International matters

Preventing corruption for a sustainability transformation

Treppe auswärts mit grünem Blättern umringt.

From 14 to 16 February 2023, the International Academy Transformation for Environment and Sustainability at the UBA (abbreviated to "TES Academy") held a three-day workshop on "Corruption Prevention as a Prerequisite for Successful Sustainability Transformation". In a video statement, the participating international experts call for cooperation in the prevention of corruption.Corrupt practices are... read more

News on Soil | Land

CAP-Reform 2013: Limited environmental impact, high costs

Acker, der teils begrünt, teils frisch angebaut wurde. Die Furchen auf dem frisch bepflanzten Acker sind tief. Am Horizont sind vereinzelte Laubbäume und Himmel zu sehen.

In 2013, the Common Agricultural Policy was reformed with the aim of reducing negative environmental impacts of agriculture. Accordingly, farmers had to comply with certain environmentally friendly farming measures, the so-called "greening", to receive the EU subsidies. Despite high costs, however, the effects of the reform have remained small. This has been shown by a recent paper by UBA. read more



Laying-hens in a hen house

Pharmaceuticals, which have become a lynchpin of our high standard of living, improve our quality of life and palliate and cure human and veterinary diseases. However, pharmaceuticals need to be used sparingly and with due care, for their positive effects also entail human and environmental risks and collateral effects. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment