climate change

News on Climate | Energy and Sustainability | Strategies | International matters

Aligning EU Climate Policy with the Paris Agreement

Planet Earth

According to the IPCC, global warming must be limited to 1.5 degrees Celsius in order to mitigate the risks. An UBA position paper outlines how the EU climate policy could be aligned with this goal. Already by 2020, the parties to the Paris Agreement are to submit their updated national climate contribution to limit global warming. Up to now, far less has been promised than would be necessary. read more


Climate change and health

That's good against heat: a cooling water bag

Heat waves are extreme weather phenomena that can have an impact on health. They are especially hazardous to the health of infants, toddlers and the elderly in need of care. It is assumed that storms, hurricane and floods will also have an effect on health, either directly or as a result of stress. Impaired drinking water and supply has an indirect health impact. read more

News on Climate | Energy and Sustainability | Strategies | International matters

UBA Key Prioirities for the new EU Long-term Climate Strategy

solar park, wind energy plants, sun flowers

Since the Paris Agreement invites parties to provide their low carbon development strategies by 2020, the European Union is currently preparing its respective mid-century long-term climate strategy. Within a public consultation the German Environment Agency (UBA) provided recently its submission on key priorities relevant for the new EU strategy. read more

News on Transport

Climate action: Transport sector must do an immediate about-face

Hybrid-Pkw an einer Stromladesäule

If Germany wants to live up to the requirements of the Paris Climate Agreement, its transport sector must quickly and drastically cut its greenhouse gas emissions. A recently published paper commissioned by the German Environment Agency confirms this conclusion and proposes concrete measures by which emissions can be reduced significantly and ensure that the climate action goals are achieved. read more

Climate | Energy

Ten country reports on ambitious climate policy

The sum of greenhouse gas emission reductions from Parties to the UNFCCC is not enough to limit the level of global temperature rise to below either the 1.5°C or 2°C target. All Parties are therefore compelled to strengthen their reduction targets. The German Environment Agency (UBA) has commissioned an analysis of the institutional set up and challenges in ten selected countries. read more

News on Climate | Energy

Climate action: how to reduce emissions even before 2020

wind energy plants on a field

The international community resolved to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius. The mitigation activities proposed by the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change will not be enough to achieve that goal. An UBA report shows how the gap can be narrowed even before 2020, for example with more efficient electrical appliances and through renewable energy support. read more

News on Climate | Energy and Sustainability | Strategies | International matters

Peatland and forest climate protection to reduce GHG emissions

drainage channel through a peatland

In 2013 the disturbed soil of peatlands and forests caused emissions with climate impact of about 45 million tonnes CO2 in Germany alone. The drainage of peatland exposes plant material to the air which was previously preserved in airtight conditions and then releases carbon and nitrous oxide. An UBA study develops incentives how to reduce peatland emissions worldwide. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment