circular economy

Waste | Resources

Resource use in Germany

Opencast mining with large machines

In 2019, German consumption of raw materials totalled 1,328 million tonnes, or 16 tonnes per capita. This represents only a slight change in the trend up to 2018. In 2019, raw material consumption in Germany will fall slightly. German raw material consumption will also fall slightly in 2020 and 2021. read more

News on Chemicals, Economy | Consumption and Waste | Resources

NonHazCity 3 Building Award: Policies for non-hazardous buildings

Newly constructed basement walls are insulated

NonHazCity 3 is a European project under the framework of the EU Interreg Program for the Baltic Sea Region. The project aims to reduce hazardous substances in the construction sector and to support circular construction. A NonHazCity Building Award will be given to celebrate the most effective laws and policies for non-hazardous buildings – nominations are welcome! Deadline is the 15th June 2024. read more

Waste | Resources

Waste prevention

A waste container being emptied

Waste prevention conserves resources and protects people and the environment. It is therefore a primary goal of the circular economy. In 2013, the Waste Prevention Program with the participation of the federal states was adopted. It was drawn up with support of the German Environment Agency. The waste prevention program was reviewed in 2019 and updated in 2021. read more

News on Economy | Consumption and Sustainability | Strategies | International matters

Sustainable lifestyles: From the niche to the city centres

young woman offers things to swap instead of buy in modern furnished store

City centres have long been characterised by high levels of consumption. They now face major changes due to online retailing, the aftermath of COVID19 and the climate crisis. The UBA coordinated EU Interreg project “NiCE – from niche to centre”, started in May 2023. The project aims to take advantage of these changes and make city centres more attractive again by offering sustainable options. read more

News on Economy | Consumption and Sustainability | Strategies | International matters

SustainFashion - Sustainability information all about textiles

in einem Geschäft hängen viele weiße T-Shirts auf Bügeln an einer Stange

Information on sustainability in the textile and fashion industry - this is what the new online platform by HEJSupport offers, funded by the UBA as part of an Associations project. Different aspects of the sector are highlighted, such as environmental pollution or human rights, and allows people to speak who share their visions for more sustainability. read more

News on Waste | Resources

Resource Commission at UBA in the third appointment period

Excavators at work in an open pit

At its first meeting on May 25, 2021, the newly formed Resources Commission at the German Environment Agency (UBA) was constituted for the appointment period 2021 to 2024. The Resource Commission consists of 18 experts from science, industry, administration, and civil society, who were personally appointed by the President of UBA. read more

News on Water

UBA Position on EU minimum requirements for Water Reuse

Wasserwiederverwendung mit möglichen Risiken für die Umwelt und die menschliche Gesundheit einher

The EU Commission is seeking to adopt EU wide minimum quality requirements for water reuse for agricultural irrigation and groundwater recharge by the end of 2017. As the current draft falls short to set standards that are rigorous enough to protect the environment and human health, UBA has published a Scientific Opinion Paper to express its concerns and recommendations. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment