
Climate | Energy

Climate friendly mobile air conditioning for buses

a black and yellow bus of the BVG with inscription "CO2"

Buses are eco-friendly means of transport, nevertheless their climate performance can be increased still further. Today’s mobile air conditioning systems in buses still use the refrigerant tetrafluoroethane (R134a), a greenhouse gas with a 1,430 times higher impact to the climate than carbon dioxide. There is a climate friendly alternative: Some city buses already use CO2 air conditioning systems. read more


Indicator: Environmentally friendly passenger transport

A graph shows the share of pedestrian, utility cycling, railway and passenger transport services in the overall passenger transport volume. Shown here are the years between 2003 and 2021. There has been changes in method in this period in 2003 and 2007.

The share of environmentally friendly passenger transport has remained more or less constant since 2003, only slightly increasing until 2019 and reaching 20.6 %. Due to the pandemic it decreased in 2020 and 2021 to around 18 %.To keep the environmental impact of passenger transport low, the share of environmentally friendly transport in total passenger transport should be as high as possible.The F... read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment