

Reference and HBM Values

Urine and blood specimen in tubes on a questionaire for laboratory analysis

The reference value allows the comparison of the exposure of individuals or population groups with the background exposure. Since environmental conditions are changing reference values are checked continuously and are updated if new information becomes available.The reference value for a chemical substance in human biological material (e.g. blood, urine) is derived according to a defined statistic... read more


Survey 1990-1992 in Comparison with Survey 1997-1999

pedestrians are crossing a street on an cross-walk

One of the main goals of GerES is to document a trend in time of population exposure. Data from the different surveys have to be made comparable to achieve this goal:A comparison is only possible for the same age group (25 to 69 years of age). Data from 1990-1992 was recalculated for this age group ignoring data for the 18 to 25 years old and the 69 to 79 years old population.Data from 1997-1999 w... read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment