Blauer Engel

News on Economy | Consumption

EU adopts new rules to combat greenwashing in advertising

eine Frau liest im Baumarkt den Text auf einem Farbeimer im Regal

The European Commission wants to combat widespread greenwashing in advertising and promote reliable environmental information with a new directive on competition and consumer laws. The goal is to protect consumers from often misleading adverts boasting the environmental benefits of products with labels such as ‘eco’, ‘sustainable’, ‘climate neutral’ or ‘recyclable’. read more

Economy | Consumption


Shopping Mall

There is a huge variety of products as well the environmental impact which is the inevitable consequence of today’s consumerism. Often it is no easy matter to find out available ecofriendly-products amongst the labyrinth of choices. Ecolabels should provide guidance and orientation. The UBA is committed to promote a wider use of environmentally friendly products and their success on the market. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment