3d printing

Waste | Resources

Digitalisation and natural resources

Ein blaues Band mit binärem Code

Digitalisation is increasingly affecting all aspects of our lives. However, its impact on the natural resource demand has not been sufficiently examined, yet. The UBA research project ‘Digitalisation and natural resources’ applies simulation models to analyse the resource intensity of the digital transformation in Germany with the aim of identifying ways for an environmentally sound development. read more

News on Economy | Consumption and Sustainability | Strategies | International matters

Environmental- and health impact of 3D printing

3D printer producing a little plastic tree

Dental bridges, car bodies, construction components for homes: with 3D printing, it is possible to make almost anything. The technology is conquering ever more branches of industry – and even ringing in a new era of manufacturing. The efficiency of raw materials, greenhouse gases, pollutants: a study by the UBA highlights the challenges and opportunities for the environment and health. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment