Symposium: Supporting climate change adaptation with scientific methods
How can we assess whether Germany is on the right track? Which methods can players use to identify and evaluate suitable adaptation measures?
How can we assess whether Germany is on the right track? Which methods can players use to identify and evaluate suitable adaptation measures?
The symposium takes place in the context of the German Adaptation Strategy to Climate Change (DAS), which the Federal Government plans to update in 2020. This mandate includes an independent evaluation of the DAS. For this reason, the Federal Environment Agency had a suitable evaluation method developed and applied.
In the past months, an external committee consisting of experts from science and the authorities evaluated the current status of the adaptation in Germany, particularly at the federal level.
In order to better assess the economic aspects of the adaptation, a further team of scientists was commissioned by the Federal Environment Agency which modeled the economic consequences of climate change in Germany in great detail. On this basis, potential adaptation measures and instruments as well as their interdependencies were analysed.
We would like to present the methods we used and give you insights into the ongoing work at the symposium in Dessau on March 26.