Thursday, September 24th
9:00am - 9.30am REGISTRATION & COFFEE
9:30am – 10.00am Welcome and Setting the Scene
Jochen Flasbarth, Sectretary of State, German Environment Ministry
Moderator: Paul Hohnen, Sustainability Strategies
10:00am – 10:45am Session 1: The business and economic case for sustainable chemistry: global trends, drivers, and barriers
Moderator: Paul Hohnen, Sustainability Strategies
Alexander Keller, Roland Berger Strategy Consultants GmbH
Alastair MacGregor, TruCost
10:45am – 12.30pm Session 2: High Level Panel: Sustainability and Chemicals – The Policy Context
Moderator: Paul Hohnen, Sustainability Strategies
Barbara Cunninham, US Environmental Protection Agency
Kestutis Sadauskas, EU Commission
Alexander Nies, German Environment Ministry
Hubert Mandery, CEFIC
Kerstin Stendahl, UNEP BRS
Anne-Sofie Andersson, ChemSec
12:30pm – 1:30pm LUNCH
1:30pm – 2:45pm Session 3: Growing sustainable chemistry – needs and opportunities
Moderator: Heinz Leuenberger, UNIDO
Müfit Bahadir, University of Braunschweig
Dirk Bunke, Öko-Institut/ University of Freiburg & Anke Joas , BiPRO
Henning Friege, N3 Nachhaltigkeitsberatung & Alexis Bazzanella, DECHEMA
for the International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre (ISC3)
Joel Tickner, GC3 / UMass Lowell
2:45pm – 4:15pm Session 4: Growing sustainable chemistry through the supply chain (part 1): challenges and solutions
Moderator: Heinz Leuenberger, UNIDO
Tess Fennelly, T. Fennelly&Associates: Introduction
Marlene Teller Blume, COOP
Thomas Michaelis, COVESTRO AG
4:15pm – 4:45pm COFFEE BREAK
4:45pm – 6.00pm Session 4: Growing sustainable chemistry through the supply chain (part 2): sector-specific challenges - break-out groups:
A) Per- und polyfluorinated chemicals in the textile sector
- moderated by Reinhard Joas, BiPRO
- Impulse statement by Kirsten Brodde, Greenpeace
B) Chemicals in the building sector
- moderated by Tess Fennelly, T Fennelly & Associates
- Impulse statement by Lothar Lissner, Kooperationsstelle Hamburg
C) Challenges for the electro- and electronic industry
- moderated by Dirk Bunke, Öko-Institut / University of Freiburg
- Impulse statement by Wolfgang Wanzke, Clariant
6:00pm – 6.15pm Reporting back from the break-out groups and status quo of SWOT
6:15 pm - 6:30pm Wrap-up of day 1
Jutta Emig, German Environment Ministry
7:00pm – 9.00pm RECEPTION - Boat Trip at River Spree
Friday, September 25th
8:45am – 9:00am WELCOME
9:00am – 10:30am Session 5: Sustainable chemistry – the business case (part 1): observations from supply chains of the textile sector
Moderator: Joel Tickner, GC3 / UMass Lowell
Petra Schwager, UNIDO: Introduction
Bettina Roth, VauDe
Peter Waeber, bluesign technologies ag
Nadeera Wijesingh, MAS Active
10:30am – 11:00am COFFEE BREAK
11:00am – 12:30pm Session 5: Sustainable chemistry – the business case (part 2): Successful business examples
Moderator: Joel Tickner, GC3 / UMass Lowell
Sonja Jost, DexLeChem
Babette Petterson, Bio-Amber
Steffen Säcker, SAFECHEM & Knut Johannsen, German Asphalt Paving Association
Andy Shafer, Elevance
12:30pm – 1:30pm LUNCH
1:30pm – 3:00pm Session 6: Sustainability from the beginning – the pharmaceutical example
Moderator: Klaus Kümmerer, Leuphana University
Klaus Kümmerer, Leuphana University: Introduction
Wailing Chang, Lisando
Adolf Eisenträger, German Environment Agency
1:30am - 3:00pm Side-event: Sustainable chemistry start-ups pitching session
(Room Friedrichshain, 4th floor)
Network of German green chemistry scientific start-ups
3:00pm – 4:00pm Session 7: Linking sustainable chemistry to the 2020-goal: How to get there?
Potential contents of a roadmap towards more sustainability in chemistry will be discussed in 3 break-out gruops focusing on:
- investment - moderated by Sebastian Lange, Ernst & Young Advisory, Berlin
- education - moderated by Avtar Matharu, University of York; G2C2 Green Chemistry Network
- policy - moderated by Vassilios Karavezyris, German Environment Ministry
4:00pm – 4:15pm Reporting back from the break-out groups
4.15pm – 4:30pm Wrap- up of the conference: Messages to the international community
Jutta Klasen, German Environment Agency
Achim Halpaap, United Nations Environmental Program