No.: 4/2022Newsletter "UBA aktuell"

Dear readers,

Climate change is making itself increasingly felt in Germany. This newsletter focuses on what we can all do – whether in politics, the economy or in our private lives – to combat the increasing incidence of extreme weather.

Good news for climate protection: in the first half of 2022, renewable energy sources generated about 14 percent more electricity in Germany than in the first six months of last year.

Whilst we're on the topic of climate: as you will see, the content of this newsletter is organised by topic. You will now find all the news on a particular topic under the new headings, be it the latest news, a new publication, or an upcoming event. We would appreciate your feedback on this change and any suggestions you have for improving the “UBA aktuell” newsletter. Please take part in this short survey to let us know.

Wishing you an interesting read,

The Press Office of the German Environment Agency

Heat, drought, and heavy rainfall: what Germany can do about it

Collage of two photos: on the left a dried up corn field, on the right a flooded settlement
Climate change is causing an increase in extreme weather in Germany.
Source: Bernd Brueggemann / und mb67 /

Because of climate change, Germany is facing more and more hot summer days with temperatures above 30 °C and tropical nights with temperatures of at least 20 °C. Heat waves are now at least five times more likely than they were in 1900. This is particularly detrimental to vulnerable people such as the elderly and those with pre-existing medical conditions in densely populated inner cities. Extensive ground sealing and building development, as well as little greenery, result in particularly intense heat in these areas.

Climate change is also resulting in a decrease in soil moisture in Germany. As of 15 July 2022, the topsoil (down to 30 cm) showed drought stress throughout almost all of Germany, and in some cases extreme drought stress, and this had corresponding consequences not only for forests, agriculture, and forestry. At the same time, rain is increasingly falling as heavy rain – which runs off quickly, sometimes leaving devastation in its wake, as was the case last year in the Ahr valley.

In addition to the rapid reduction of environmentally harmful greenhouse gas emissions, there is an urgent need to adapt to the consequences of climate change. We need to combat the heat in the inner cities by significantly increasing the amount of green space and providing more shade through external sun protection on buildings. Dedicated floodplains along the rivers can help to prevent damage from heavy rain and simultaneously retain water in the landscape for dry periods. Water needs to be used carefully everywhere, which is to say that it should be kept free of pollution and used sparingly; for example, by mulching in agriculture to avoid the soil drying out, or by collecting rainwater in private gardens and only watering the garden in the cool morning or evening hours. You can find much more information and recommendations from the German Environment Agency by clicking on the following links.

Climate / Energy

Luftbild über Berlin - Potsdamer Platz und Tiergarten

Systematically perform climate risk assessments in municipalities

Municipalities are affected differently by climate change due to various factors. The German Environment Agency (UBA) therefore recommends the implementation of municipal climate risk assessments along three essential steps: preparation, implementation and communication of the results. To support this, a handout provides information on the methodological procedure in addition to ISO 14091. read more

First half of 2022: Significantly more electricity from wind and sun

In the first half of 2022, renewable energy sources generated about 14 percent more electricity than in the first six months of last year, in Germany. Initial estimates from the Working Group for Renewable Energy Statistics (AGEE-Stat) suggest that the share of renewable energies in gross electricity consumption was about 49 percent. This figure was just 41 per cent for 2021 as a whole. read more (in German)


Renewable energies in Germany

Data on the development in 2021

On behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Affairs, the Working Group on Renewable Energy Statistics (AGEE-Stat) takes stock of the use of renewable energies and annually prepares an official estimate of the development of renewable energies for the previous year. This background paper describes the initial findings for the electricity, heat and transport sectors, more

background paper
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Cover CC

Rebasing the Cap and strengthening the Market Stability Reserve in the EU ETS until 2030

The EU Commission has proposed to reduce emissions in the European Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) by 61 % up to 2030. Apart from the cap, the market stability reserve (MSR) regulates supply and scarcity on the carbon market. This report looks at different options to rebase the cap and to adjust the MSR parameters. It analyses the effects on total allowance supply and on the total number of more

Climate Change
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Designing cities that are liveable and sustainable for all

Heat, noise, air pollutants and a lack of green space often become concentrated in disadvantaged urban neighbourhoods – to the detriment of people's health and quality of life. Good examples from municipal practice demonstrate how different stakeholders can work together successfully to achieve greater environmental justice and healthy environmental and living conditions for all population groups. read more (in German)


Nanomaterial Lotuseffekt

OECD-Guideline: Determination of particle size of nanomaterials

On 30th June 2022, the OECD published the Test Guideline No. 125, which harmonises the determination of particle size distribution specifically for nanomaterials. It is an important building block for the implementation of nano-specific requirements within the framework of legislation on chemical safety, for example for the REACH Regulation. read more

Pesticide authorisations threaten our groundwater and drinking water

The quality of drinking water in Germany is excellent. Its main source, groundwater, is afforded a high level of protection and should be as free from chemical residues as possible. The current legal framework for the authorisation of pesticides, however, poses a threat to the quality of groundwater and drinking water in the long term, as it is currently only possible to limit substance inputs into groundwater to a limited extent. read more (in German)

UBA Forum in Dessau

The Revision of the REACH Authorisation and Restriction System

Recommendations by the German Environment Agency

The European Commission recently announced a targeted revision of the ⁠REACH⁠ Regulation, in view of strengthening the level of protection from hazardous chemicals and simplifying the legal text. The German Environment Agency makes in this Scientific Opinion Paper specific recommendations, including on compliance checks for registration dossiers, additional information more

Scientific Opinion Paper
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Refinement of the P assessment of ionisable substances: Distribution and degradation of anionic, neutral and cationic organic chemicals in water-sediment systems

The criteria for the assessment of ⁠PBT substances were developed for neutral organic substances. Many chemicals are, however, charged under environmentally relevant pH conditions. The influence of a charge in molecule on its potential to degrade in the environment is unclear and therefore the research question of this project. The results show that especially a positive charge can strongly more

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Cover Background Paper Power-to-Liquids


A scalable and sustainable fuel supply perspective for aviation

PtL fuels are broadly recognized as an important option to make aviation CO2 neutral, and the industrial production of PtL fuels has moved within reach. The updated version of the background paper reviews the basic principles of PtL production routes and draws a comparison with competing fuel options based on sustainability criteria. In order to produce sustainable PtL fuels in the required more

background paper
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Englische Titelseite der Broschüre "UMLANDSTADT umweltschonend – Nachhaltige Verflechtung von Wohnen, Arbeiten, Erholung und Mobilität" des Umweltbundesamtes, das Titelfoto zeigt den grünen Stadtrand der Stadt Frankfurt / Main

EXURB Environmental – Sustainable interlinking of housing, work, recreation and mobility

The city suburbs are becoming EXURBS; the centre of life for millions of people and the intermediate space between cities and countryside is developing dynamically. Living "in the green countryside" is in high demand. Digitisation and the coronavirus pandemic have further bolstered suburbanization. The brochure deals with the question of how a sustainable development between the city and the more

brochure / flyer
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Noise effects of the use of land-based wind energy

Wind turbines are important for a sustainable energy supply. Noise from these turbines is often discussed in politics, the media and the public. Amplitude-modulated noise, which is perceived as " whooshing ", is also a topic of discussion. The aim of this research project is to investigate the generation of amplitude-modulated noise and its influence on noise perception of the residents living more

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Economy / Consumption

Blue Angel: new term of office for the eco-label jury

In June 2022 at the constituent meeting of the Environmental Label Jury at the Federal Environment Ministry, Federal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke welcomed the members of the Jury and bid farewell to the members of the previous term of office. Criteria for the award of three new eco-labels have been adopted: Last mile delivery services, low-pollutant facade paints, and roofing and sealing membranes. read more (in German)

Waste / Resources

Changes to the Packaging Act as of 1 June 2022

The obligation for packaging manufacturers to register themselves will be extended as of 1 July 2022. A new responsibility for electronic marketplaces and fulfilment service providers is also coming into force. This further increases producer responsibility. read more (in German)

Earth Overshoot Day: resources for 2022 spent

We humans do not live sustainably. 28 July is Earth Overshoot Day, marking the date when mankind has used up all the biological resources that the Earth regenerates in the course of a year, according to calculations by the Global Footprint Network. More must be done to protect resources and the climate. Consumers and politicians alike can contribute to this. read more (in German)


Final data on nitrogen dioxide levels in 2021

The nitrogen dioxide (NO₂) measurement data for 2021 for all air monitoring stations in Germany are available: the annual mean air quality limit of 40 micrograms NO₂ per cubic metre of air (µg/m³) was exceeded in Munich, Essen, and Ludwigsburg. In 2020, 6 cities exceeded the limit. In 2019, 25 cities were still experiencing exceeded limit values, compared to 57 in 2018. read more (in German)

Umweltbundesamt Dessau

Considerations on the Revision of the Air Quality Directive 2008/50 EU

Air quality projections, protection of ecosystems, assessment methods, monitoring concept

In preparation for the upcoming revision the German Environment Agency (UBA) from a scientific point of view has assessed the possibility to meet the proposed WHO Guidelines Levels, the applicability of improved chemical transport models and advanced monitoring methods for air quality assessment as well as concepts for a better protection of ecosystems from air pollutants. In the following we more

Scientific Opinion Paper
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Bacterial resistance in sewage sludge

Sewage sludge contains a multitude of substances that we do not want in the environment. These are transferred into the sewage sludge during wastewater treatment. The quality of the sludge depends on factors such as location. A new study has shown that the size of a sewage treatment plant has no influence on the occurrence of resistance genes or resistant bacteria and pollutants in sewage sludge. read more (in German)

Germany hands over HELCOM chairmanship to Latvia

On 1 July 2022, the two-year chairmanship of the Helsinki Commission for the protection of the marine environment of the Baltic sea (HELCOM) will pass to Latvia. During Germany's chairmanship, the topics of biodiversity and climate were strengthened, solutions for ammunition dumps and underwater noise were tackled, and measures for combating the pollution of the Baltic Sea with nutrients, pollutants and waste were deepened. read more (in German)

Underwater shot with sea gras and clear water

Together for a healthy Baltic Sea!

The Action Plan of the Helsinki Commission

Animals and plants should be better protected and habitats be restored. Main environmental pressures in the Baltic Sea such as excess nutrients, contaminants, marine litter, underwater noise and the impacts of fishing and other activities at sea are to be further reduced. The ten-year plan, which the environment ministers of the Baltic Sea countries and the European Union adopted in Lübeck ( more

flyers and leaflets
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The issue of microplastics in soils - a danger for humans and the environment? You can see a hand with a magnifying glass examining the soil.

International Conference: Microplastics in Soils

Microplastics are usually associated with marine pollution. But scientific studies are increasingly pointing to soils being a major sink for plastic debris. On October 19-20, 2022 the German Environment Agency (UBA) will hold an international (hybrid-)conference in Berlin to shed new light on the impact of plastic pollution on soils. read more


EU agricultural policy: "Greening" produced hardly any improvement for the environment

When "greening" was introduced as part of the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in 2013, the aim was to improve water and soil quality, protect the climate, and increase biodiversity. This has only been achieved in a very minor way, and it has also come at a high price. This is the conclusion drawn by a study by the Thünen Institute on behalf of the German Environment Agency. read more (in German)

Sustainability / Strategies / International matters

teamwork with people of different countries

International TES Academy kicks off at UBA

The new International Academy Transformation for Environment and Sustainability (TES Academy) has been launched in a pilot phase at UBA. The kick-off to the project is a virtual discussion series about the implications of Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine on the sustainability transformation and how to respond to the situation. read more

along a canal in the city are white, four-storey houses in the Bauhaus style with roof terraces, balconies and small gardens with sunshades

Kick-off conference project „Advancing the New European Bauhaus”

This international online conference on 15.09.2022 marks the kick-off of the UBA flagship project "Advancing the New European Bauhaus” (AdNEB). The event features experts from the field and interesting discussions. The Goal of the “New European Bauhaus” initiative: climate adaptation and a better quality of life. read more

Ansicht einer Kälteanlage im EG-Schlachthof in Bochum.

International online conference ‘Green Cooling Summit 2023‘

The ‘Green Cooling Summit‘ will be helt from 10th to 11th October this year, again online, focussing on green cooling along the cold chain. It is organised by the “Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit“ GIZ and the German Environment Agency (UBA) on behalf of the Federal Ministry for the Environment as well as the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. read more

Eight success factors for successfully involving young people

What factors are decisive in determining whether youth participation programmes are successful? This was the subject of a recent study by the German Environment Agency, which looked at the issue of "sustainable consumption" and produced comprehensive recommendations for practical application. An important conclusion: whether or not one's own commitment is perceived as impactful and visible is crucial. read more (in German)

UBA News

As recounted


Around 22 kilograms of avoidable food waste were generated per person in Germany in 2020.

more information (in German)


Umweltbundesamt (German Environment Agency)
Präsidialbereich / Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Internet; Pressesprecher
Wörlitzer Platz 1
06844 Dessau-Roßlau, Germany
Phone: +49(0) 340 2103-2416
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Corinne Meunier

Six times a year our Newsletter „UBA aktuell“ provides information about the latest activities and work of the German Environment Agency (UBA).

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The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment