No.: 5/2022Expert information drinking water and swimming pool water
Dear Reader,
The website Distributing Drinking Water, Evaluation Criteria and Guidelines, due to the recent publication of the 3rd amendment of the Evaluation criteria for plastics and other organic materials in contact with drinking water (Expert information drinking water and swimming pool water No. 04/2022), has been updated as follows:
- Textual adaption in section `Elastomers´, `Thermoplastic Elastomers´ and `De Minimis Guideline´
- Update of the Transitional regulation KTW-BWGL
- Update of the Information on transposition of Elastomer Guideline and TPE transitional regulation into the KTW evaluation criteria document
Additionally, the website Distributing Drinking Water in its navigation area `documents´ the following information document on pipe restoration has been updated (in German):
- Fragen und Antworten zur Rohrinnensanierung von Trinkwasserleitungen durch Beschichtung mit organischen Reaktivharzen
Your department for Drinking Water and Swimming Pool Water Hygiene at UBA