No.: 1/2019Expert information drinking water and swimming pool water

Dear readers,

Drinking water is among the foodstuffs which are controlled the best. When limits are exceeded, the problem is often caused by the plumbing inside the houses.

The German Environment Agency and bdew have jointly produced an explanatory film called Trinkwasser-Installation - Auf die letzten Meter kommt es an.

Other interesting films on disposal of pharmaceuticals and hardness can be found on our web page or take a look at UBA’s YouTube channel.

We wish you an interesting “night at the movies”.

Your department of Drinking Water and Swimming Pool Water Hygiene at UBA.


Umweltbundesamt (German Environment Agency)
Department II 3
Schichauweg 58
12307 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49(0) 30 8903-4253
Fax: +49(0) 340 2103-4253

Photo credit: julan /

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