Series: Greenhouse gas-neutral administrations

Source: diego1012 /
In the context of the TES Academy transformation companionship process on “Greenhouse gas-neutral administrations: Empowering professionals from public administrations to become role models of transformation” we organize a Virtual TES series on related current topics. During every inspirational session two keynote speakers will share their view on a joint topic and present their proposals and best practices. Questions, opinions and further ideas of the participants will then be discussed to inspire them to use the experiences and to foster the debate and the development of collaborations.
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Disclaimer: The perspectives presented in the discussions are personal views and may not reflect the official perspective of the German Environment Agency.
Greenhouse gas-neutral administrations: The E-Tool: A web-based CO2 calculator for the skilled-crafts, culture and other social and economic sectors
13 June 2024 14:00 - 15:30 CET
The E-Tool is an online portal that allows organisations to easily enter and track consumption data for resources such as electricity, gas, purchased materials, transport processes etc. in order to identify the organisations greenhouse gas emissions (carbon footprint). The systematic data collection process provides an important and reliable baseline for monitoring concepts as well as an evidence base for targeted efficiency measures and investments. Several additional tools cater for specific user needs, e.g. a survey tool for the quick and easy recording and evaluation of audience arrivals and departures or a tool for an initial assessment and profitability of photovoltaic systems. Our speakers will demonstrate the use of the tool and share their thoughts on the relevance, design and application of the instrument from a user and a developer perspective:
- Dr Andrea Hensel (Officer for Transformation and Sustainability in Culture, Department of Strategic Cultural Policy of the City of Leipzig)
- Marcel Quinten (CEO of the Saar-Lor-Lux Umweltzentrum GmbH)
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Greenhouse gas-neutral administrations: Challenges and approaches for small entities and institutions - Climate Action at the lowest English administrative level
Ian Byrne (ibeccs - Ian Byrne Energy & Carbon Consultancy Services, United Kingdom)
> How to achieve GHG-neutrality in public micro-organizations?
Greenhouse gas-neutral administrations: Guidelines and programmes for a systematic approach
Eurico Clemente (ADENE – Agência para a Energia, Portugal)
> ECO.AP - Resource Efficiency Program in Public Administration
Dr. Burkhard Huckestein (German Environment Agency (UBA) Germany)
> The path to greenhouse gas-neutral administration - Stages and guidelines
Greenhouse gas-neutral administrations: Motivation campaigns for employees
Judith Geusen (NRW.Energy4Climate, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany)
> "mission E“ - A motivation campaign for energy saving behaviour of state administration employees
Caroline Golly (Climate Protection Agency Mannheim, Germany)
> User motivation in the city administration with “Flurfunk”