The “Protocol on Water and Health” (PWH) of the World Health Organization and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) was signed at the third Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health in London in 1999. Among others the PWH promotes the cooperation between the administration and the civil society at national and local level as well as in the field of water resources management and water protection. The workshop took place in Bucharest, Romania, during two days. About 36 government representatives from 18 countries of the UNECE/WHO-EURO Region and 15 NGOs mainly from the Former Soviet Union countries took part in the workshop.
Sustainability | Strategies | International matters
Workshop for the Effective Use of the Potential of Non- Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Authorities in the Countries of the Former Soviet Union and the EU in the field of Environment and Water
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Umweltbundesamt (Hrsg.)
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Project No. (FKZ)
380 01 226
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126 KB
0,00 €
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