The brochure „Water Resource Management in Germany” offers a comprehensive overview of the fundamentals, pressures and measures of German Water Resource Management as well as key facts and data on the status of our waterbodies, their protection, and on water supply and water disposal. The brochure provides a compendium of information for interested readers, experts, students and journalists and presents a reliable source for scientific work and reporting in this field.

brochure / flyer
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Year of publication
J. Arle, H. Bartel, C. Baumgarten, A. Bertram, K. Blondzik, S. Brandt, F. Brauer, U. Claussen, H. P. Damian, D. Dieter, C. Galander, H. Ginzky, S. Grimm, M. Helmecke, K. Hofmeier, M. Hofmeier, W. Hülsmann, B. Kirschbaum, T. Knobloch, K. Koppe, J. Koschorreck, M. Krakau, W. Leujak, C. Mathan, V. Mohaupt, S. Naumann, C. Pickl, U. Pirntke, T. Rapp, A. Rau, J. Rechenberg, S. Richter, A. Roskosch, C. Sedello, A. Stoefen O Brien, M. Suhr, R. Szewzyk, A. Ullrich, U. Wachotsch, A. Walter, A. Weiß, S. Werner, C. Winde, G. Winkelmann-Oei, R. Wolter
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